《人教版(PEP)Unit 1 How tall are you Part A Let’s talk (教案) 英語六年級下冊.docx》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《人教版(PEP)Unit 1 How tall are you Part A Let’s talk (教案) 英語六年級下冊.docx(13頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。
1、PEP版小學英語六年級下 冊Unit 1 How tall are
Part A Let's talk.
Unit 1 How tall are you?
Part A Let's talk. Let's do. Period.]
Page 4
Unit 1 How tall are you? Part A Let's talk.是PEP版九年義務教育小學英語教科書
Look! That's the tallest dinosaur in thi
2、s hall.
Yes, it is. How tall is it?
Maybe 4 meters.
Wow! It's taller than both of us together.
Look! There are more dinosaurs over there!
They are all so big and tall.
Hey, this dinosaur isn't tall! I'm taller than this one.
Oh, yes. How tall are you?
I'm 1.65 meters.
3、已經掌握了一定的英語知識,所以孩子們學習起來也相對較輕松。利用 他們對課件里的動畫以及會聲會色的教具讓學生更加感興趣。另?方面,他們感知事物的 特點比較籠統(tǒng),不精確,往往只注意到一些孤立的現(xiàn)象,看不出事物之間的聯(lián)系和特點。
Knowledge aims:
Enable the students to learn the three-skill sentences by heart: That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It's taller than both of us together. How tall are you?
4、Enable the students (o use the sentence: That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It's taller (han both of us together. How tall are you?
Ability aims:
1. Develop the students' abilities of three skills.
2. Have students use the sentence: That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. It's taller tha
5、n both of us together. How (all are you?
Emotional aims:
Have students to know: Love the animals.
教學 重難點
1. 單詞dinosaur的讀音。
2. 能夠表演并內化Main scene和Let's talk的交際內容。
3. 學生能夠大膽創(chuàng)編和表演小對話。
Teaching Procedures
6、s activitiesI. Free talk.
Teacher and studentsgreeting each other.
Students9 activities
Students answer the questions.
Step 1
2. Sing a song: ?My smallcat.?
Students sing the song together.
在上課的一開始與學生進 行簡單的交談,這樣做不僅可以 拉近師生之間的距離,提高學生 學習的積極性,而且還為本課的 教學做了良好的鋪墊,為之后的 句型教學打下了堅實的基礎
Let students sing the song together.
帶領全班學生一起學唱歌 曲,讓學生在歌曲中感知形容詞 比較級的用法。
為本課知識的學習打下良 好的基礎。
3. Review the time.
Have students play a game: What's he/she like? Use this game to review words.
tall taller
Students say the new words with teacher.
8、tep 2
longershort shorter
small smalleryounger
youngsmall smaller
young youngershort shorter
long1. Teach the word: than.
The teacher shows the pictures and let them prepare use the word : than.
2.Make a new sentence use
Students make a sentence use:
than .
9、ts make the sentence use than.
Hake a sentencefeke a sentence
?r^ Jhan .匕"
通過游戲的形式來引出本 課的重點一一形容詞比較級,這 樣做不僅幫助學生復習了本單 元的重點單詞,同時又為下面的 對話教學做良好的鋪墊。
設置不同的人物圖片,讓學 生比較兩個圖片,并用新學的單 詞連成新的句子讓學生練習。為 本課下面的學習做好鋪墊。
讓學生自己造句的同時先 讓學生自己感知這個句子再讓 學生學習這個句子,加深學生對 于本課重點句型的印象。為下面 的課文教學打下基礎。
心 a Wi? 灑 tg、
% Mi 迎
* net u^nluxA.
itaka a nfttM*k? ? Mt
tfaht? nftf senium
Miss White is the tallest.
Answ tk gu—
AmW thft gig
AftSWV thft
ifekn a IWB
Miss White is the tallest.
Aftsw the gty
liftAnswv the gg
3. Teach : tallest dinosaur
Let students say the sentence use the word : than. Then let students learn the new word: tallest.
AnsW Urt QIMCUofts.
讓學生通過形容詞的比較 級來找到形容詞最高級的使用 規(guī)律。這樣可以激學生的學習熱 情,讓學生感到自己不是被動的 去學習英語,而是為了自己的一 個目標自己主動的去學習,降低 教學過程中學生學的痕跡。
dinosaur通過介紹本學期新的人物引出 聽力部分,并且讓學生聽錄音按 要求選擇,為本課
12、對話的引出做 好鋪墊。不僅鍛煉了學生的聽力 也自然的引出本課新課。
4.Let's try.
Introduce the dinosaur museum. Let students listen and tick.
Students do Let's try, listen and tick.
第一次出示本課的對話,讓學 生帶著問題聽,聽過之后回答問 題,鍛煉學生的聽力。
5?“ try"The
13、 Show the dialog for the
first time.
Let's talk"
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Ms ARatf IT. ■ *?■?*■* 'I JZMae Na^i UaM b ?V?
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i — ?M 4AMMT ■丫*—
C. *? ~ w6. Let students read the
dialogue by themselvesand write the timetable of
Students listen to the dialogue
14、 and think.
M?a M ? F,0 Let's talk*Q
第二遍讓學生帶著問題自 己閱讀課文,并把相關的時間填 入表格內,既培養(yǎng)了學生的自學 能力,同時也達到了教學的真正 意義,把課堂真正的“還”給學 生。
用表演的方式鞏固本課對 話,幫助學生更好的記憶本課對 話內容。
Let's talk"
Students read the dialogue by themselves and fill in the blanks.
Ms S af ■ *?(?*■*Nar MM TWw tn aa^ dmaxa
15、Let's talk,'/7. Read the dialogue and act the dialogue.
Students read and act the dialogue.
Step 3
Wrap-up1. Consolidation.
2. Emotional.
Tell them must love the animals.
3. Homework.
Have students make a new daily schedule of your own.
1 Understand the more dinosaurs* kno
16、wledges at homo2.Do a survey at home use the sentences:
Make a new dialogue and
學生創(chuàng)設情景,運用巳學句 型、語言點自編對話是一個知識 輸出過程,它需要學生把所學信 息通過大腦進行加工處理,并發(fā) 揮自己的想象力創(chuàng)造力。讓學生 利用老師給的文本,在教師設定 的情境下去拓展練習本課對話, 既復習了本課的內容,同時又教 會了學生如何運用。為了幫助班 里英語學習最有困難的個別學 生,讓他們在同學的幫助下敢于 開口說英語,哪怕只是提一個問 題也會增強他們說英語的信心。
鞏固性作業(yè)是針對本節(jié)課 所學內容進行復習,其目的在
17、于 鞏固學習效果。學生將書本對話 整理成小短文,并且講述給同伴 聽。這一作業(yè)檢查了學生對本堂 課學習內容的掌握程度,加深了 學生對于學習內容的理解。即幫 助學生鞏固知識,又鍛煉學生的 思維和口語表達能力。
How tall are you?
That s the tallest dinosaur in this hall, its taller than both of us together. How tail are you?
I'm 1.65 meters.
18、? Let's talk標
Zhang Peng: Look! That's the tallest dinosaur Mike: Yes, it is. How tall is it?
Zhang Peng: Maybe 4 metres. [bOU0]
Mike: Wow! It's taller than both of us together.
Zhang Peng: Look! There are more dinosaurs over there! ■ Mike: They're all so big and tall.
Zhang Peng: Hey, this din
19、osaur isn't tall! I'm taller than this one.
Mike: Oh, yes. How tall are you?
Zhang Peng: I'm 1.65 metres.
How tall is Zhang Peng?
Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?
1. Let's try.
Let怎 try Q
The children are in the museum. Listen and circle.
1. The first dinosaur eats . A. vegetables
2. The dinosaur is taller A. first