專業(yè)名稱 機械設計制造及其自動化
年級班級 2004-02
學生姓名 李洋
指導老師 劉傳邵 張昌娟
The Discuss on Multi-functional Products Design
—— The Telephone Design for the Elder is Taken for Example
1.product features
The product is a product function in terms of the specific uses, can also Function as role, effectiveness, efficiency, that is a product of stem What is the use of the. For example, the cup is the function of water, is the function of clocks and watches , The speaker of the function is sound, and so on.
Product value is realized through the function, the function is to yield For the basic attributes. Product features include functional, aesthetic Features two aspects.
The main product is as functional as people reach a certain head .The manner of tools, such as motor vehicles are the means of transport tools, Production equipment is manufactured articles tools, monitors the human-computer exchange of workers With, the rest of the seats, and other tools. Generally speaking, all the industrialized approved Production of the products have a certain degree of practical function, which is producing For a basic attribute.
The aesthetic product features mainly refers to products through modeling, color, Materials, as embodied in the fabric of the United States and bring feelings of pleasure and emotional Meet. Aesthetic features clearly subject to different social factors, different Cultures, beliefs and different walks of life, occupation, there will be people of different ages Different aesthetic taste, aesthetic function over time a change Of.
2. product-analysis
Multi-functional product that is a product of the original function at the same time on the basis of An increase of other features. In the modern product design, a lot of products Taste-oriented products, to the neglect of the product itself should be achieved Function. More incredible is that many products do not function between There is no contact, resulting in the use of barriers to consumers. I Can the following areas for analysis:
(1). Multifunctional products used in the course of interaction between the functional People in the use of multi-function products, in any particular definition Tasks, only to use a feature, and in the use of this function when Further, other features is idle, but will to some extent .Affect the normal function of use, so a certain inconvenience.
(2). Multifunctional costs of waste Multi-function products in the realization of multi-function, it is bound to consider the function .Integration, and relative position, the use of mutual influence and therefore will Modeling the effect of the increase in costs,
(3). Multi-purpose function caused by waste Products are designed for specific consumer, the product's features, According to the specific needs of the same characteristics of the consumers consider, if the functions of the product , Is bound to cause the target groups are not satisfied with, because they choose a product At the same time as the purchase of this product to other subsidiary functions, and when they do not need this .Some function of time, causing a waste product.
3. the elderly on the phone function of attitude
The multi-function mobile phone has become the elderly impede a clear choice for mobile phones Su, the elderly handset design to understand the function of the elderly on the phone and see attitude , To guide the choice of the appropriate functions.
The author interviewed by the user, for the following five issues on the 40-year-old 60 to 70 The goal of a consumer survey:
① you will choose to smart phones or cell phones? 3 G ?
② you think are familiar with a new cell phone? Difficult process ?
③ you use the phone call often encountered difficulties ? What is your opinion Reasons for the mobile phone operating difficulties ?
④ you understand the functions of the existing mobile phone set up for you? ?
⑤ you in the market to see whether their satisfaction over the phone ?
Survey results are as follows:
① 100% of the elderly do not understand that it would not choose or smart phones or hand 3 G - This shows handset technology and the development of information technology has not brought benefits to the elderly And convenient, because they are on the forefront of technology and information is not sensitive and does not understand the new mobile phones The use of another part of older persons about smart phones, but they are not elected Optional because of the specialized and complex operation is they can not accept.
② 29% of elderly people generally think, with a new mobile phone is not the process Too difficult to 71 percent of the elderly that difficult or very difficult. For users with a new brand of mobile phones, will have an adjustment The process of the adaptation of this process could speed evaluation of a cell phone during the operation A reasonable degree. And the majority of older persons familiar with a cell phone that the process is difficult, That is now the mobile phone operator relatively cumbersome; the other hand, the old People accept new things, the weak, and the phone did not take note of this special design The special needs groups.
③ the elderly in the use of mobile phones, the main difficulty encountered the following:
1) Operating cumbersome;
2) unclear screen display;
3) unclear key figure
4) big enough voice.
On the other hand, the elderly, leading to difficulties in the main mobile phone operators are:
1) too many functions;
2) key locations and with disorder.
④ the existing phone features: 71 percent of the elderly that is not satisfied or not Satisfied with only 29 percent of the elderly satisfactory.
⑤ 71% of the elderly believe that the market does not have its own satisfaction with the phone. Because the hand Main developments in the two directions: First, high-end handsets, with more features, to Smart direction, the operation was too complex for the elderly, but also the relative prices Higher and the other is low-end phones, features a simple, but most of the past few years launched Style, a smaller screen, smaller buttons, the elderly do not meet the vision requirements. So Both types of cell phone use are not suitable for the elderly.
Survey results show that most of these elderly people can not accept multi-function mobile phones, due to For multi-function mobile phone to give them the easy but not difficult. To interview a - 68-year-old Ge Xiansheng example, the functions of mobile phones is very offensive, when asked why the , He said, I will not use the phone, then the complex functions and procedures, no resistance Heart to see to learn, I feel no fixed-line phones instead of convenience. The Ge Xiansheng the Reflect the views of the actual situation of many elderly people.
At the same time over the phone survey reflects the features of older persons to the requirements:
① useful function: many mobile phones now in order to catch up with the forefront of technology, added Many useful features, thus increasing the difficulty of the use of mobile phones. Phone features should be The relevance, that is, in the use of time-saving, effective and easier to achieve the purpose of use. This The use of the elderly must be considered when and if some of the features of the settings can not be effective
Use, it is not easy to complete, or simply do not have access to these features, then the phone Design for the elderly, is a failure.
② easy to use: the elderly tend to want to live supplies to use simple, gymnastics For easy and convenient maintenance, Moyoufudan. Now the phone constantly modified, Trying to meet more needs, such as phone keypad gradually change to the computer keyboard, This is a significant increase in the use of the difficulty of the elderly do not want to use the phone - Status. Thus, simple, easy-to-use phone for the elderly is the most important.
③ economic durability: the elderly due to the economic basis of generally poor, but also because of thinking To the concept of reasons, even if the economic situation better, their lives will be very frugal, because This life they will choose the economic and durable products, more functional and decorative, Lai, higher prices of handsets will not be generally accepted by the elderly.
4. to mobile phones as an example of multi-function products for analysis
Phone as a people daily use of mobile communications equipment, it should realize The function is linked to anytime, anywhere to be able to contact the people, or to each other and voice - Words or transmit text messages. However, we are seeing today the phone while colorful, Quezao has deviated from the most simple request, cell phone and a lot of functions spelled As a result, these features are not well used. We can From the following aspects of the functions of mobile phones inappropriate for analysis:
1. Multifunctional phone idle
From camera phones to mp3, mp4 mobile phones, mobile phones become increasingly more functional, it is Dazzling. The multi-function mobile phone and let us feel the era of progress and technology Fast development, but also create a more exciting world of cell phones, but in fact we
We really need so many? ?
Text messaging, Notepad (acting reminded), the tone set, Bluetooth, Internet browsing, Download, calendar, infrared, games, mobile phone set, business card holder (telephone directories), single Digital conversion, digital camera, the English-Chinese dictionary, e-purse, digital camera, video podcasts Fang, tape recorders, keyboard lock, electronic books, phone records, office software, text Items folder (pictures, music, etc.), an alarm, e-mail, ringtone editor, call transfer, Music player, the screen transform ? ?
In such a multi-function, calls and send and receive text messages is still the highest utilization rate of hand Machine function. Even many young consumers that: Hua Leqian bought a function - The phone, trying to take full advantage of all the phone functions, and in fact do not
With many new features is idle.
To the camera phones as an example, the frequency of use, in just to buy As the phone when novel, occasionally want to use it, once familiar, this work Can be left idle with a display, while the picture quality, the camera phone Machine far as ordinary digital cameras. Therefore camera is no doubt does not apply When the function.
Mobile video player, theoretically speaking it could be achieved, "players can" Functions. But the current mobile phone video format supported by less than many of the computer, and Since the majority of the screen and small, and rarely use wide-screen design, visual effect .Fruit not always. Even the use of large-screen handwriting smart phones (Ruyou ), The sharpness of the image can hardly satisfactory, but the phone sound effects relative Quality is not high, watch videos will also affect the results.
Therefore, over the phone's functions flashy, particularly older consumers Consumers Fee, how can those willing to idle in the state, the bad effects of the use of power Can be paid ?
2. Multifunctional lead to shorten the waiting time
Increasing the screen, gradually strengthen the camera, high-quality ringtones, built-in Tour Drama, video applications such as spread, the function of increasingly powerful cell phones, of course, Power consumption will naturally grow. Ministry of Information Industry of the persons concerned, the current Mobile phones on the market function and the development of mobile phone batteries can not simultaneously, making some new work When in use was limited.
A color screen camera phones normal standby time is three days, but if used Take pictures, then their standby time only five hours, if at the same time use a variety of functions So, its standby time will be shorter, leading to some of the functions of power has become more In name only. This use of these features to users at great inconvenience. Super power .Question has become almost all 3 G mobile phone users in trouble.
These inappropriate function for the elderly, can not be good use, But also affect other features are used so that they encountered in the use of more Great difficulties, from the elderly to a large extent limited the use of multi-function mobile phone possible.
3. Startling new features consumption
Can watch TV, movies on demand in recent years is a major new phones selling point. Such GPRS handset can use the Internet, but to see a half-hour television at least 50 yuan, to see 90 Minutes to 200 yuan over large! And the screen slow, like animation, special consumption Xinhua. This largely affected the interests of consumers, but not very high cost .Good service, the result is to give up the use of these features.
4. Bring Internet phone virus
The emergence of mobile phone virus is also the last year or so, the popularity of mobile phones with special Do not be smart phones and 3 G network development, mobile speed of transmission and harm - Degree will also be increasing. Bluetooth dare not open, mobile Internet is also very carefully, Mo Health and dare not open the messages, cell phone viruses emerging and greatly limit the functions of mobile phones The full use of.
From the above aspects of the analysis, the mobile phone with features that make excessive It lost its true colors, these extra features can not be fully used, But also affect the normal function of the use of mobile phones, but also increase the consumer's economy Burden for young consumers even so, then they asked for the elderly That will become more pronounced. These inappropriate function on the phone had a negative shadow Ring, failed to meet the real needs of consumers, but also caused the phone a waste of resources.
5. Conclusion
To sum up, product design can not be excessive in the pursuit of the neglect of middle - The usefulness of goods, consumers should be able to take full advantage of the characteristics of the consumer-specific To design, select the most appropriate product features, such products can not only make Reflects the best value, but also conducive to the safe use of products of comfort, but also To reduce product costs, more conducive to consumer acceptance and use of products.
[1] Wang Ming purpose. Product design. Beijing: China Academy of Fine Arts Publishing House, 1999.11 (April 2003 reprint)
[2] Ren Health. Design Psychology. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2005.7
[3] Zhang Zhihua, 000 ran. Appropriate design: product modeling of contemporary design concepts. Nanchang University Journal Vol.34 No. 6, 2003.11
[4] into the phone a few new features on useless. Telephone information reported, 2003.11
[5] have a say. Handset additional features practical analysis. Zhongguancun Online Forum, 2006.8
∷楊晶晶 YANG Jingjing
1. 多功能產品使用過程中,功能之間相互影響
2. 多功能造成成本的浪費
3. 多功能造成功能浪費
手機的多功能已經成為阻礙老年人選擇手機的一個明顯因素,因此老年人手機設計要了解老年人對手機功能的態(tài)度和看法,以指導適當功能的選擇。筆者通過用戶訪談,針對以下5 個問題對40 位60~70 歲
① 您會選擇智能手機或3G 手機嗎?
② 您認為熟悉一款新的手機的過程困難嗎?
③ 您使用手機打電話時經常遇到什么困難?您認為是什么原因導致手機操作困難?
④ 您所了解的現(xiàn)有手機的功能設置適合您嗎?
⑤ 您在市場上是否看到過自己滿意的手機?
① 100% 的老年人表示不會選擇或不了解智能手機或3G 手機,這說明手機技術及信息技術的發(fā)展沒有給老年人帶來利益和方便,因為他們對前沿的技術及信息不敏感,不了解手機新
② 29% 的老年人認為一般,熟悉一款新的手機的過程不是太困難;71% 的老年人認為困難或很困難。使用者在換用新的品牌的手機的時候,必然會有一個適應的過程,對這個過程的適應速度可以評價一款手機操作過程的合理程度。而大部分老年人認為熟悉一款手機的過程是困難的,這就說明現(xiàn)在的手機操作相對較為繁瑣;從另一方面來說,老年人接受新事物的能力較弱,而手機設計沒有注意到這個特殊群體的特殊需求。
③ 老年人在使用手機時,主要遇到以下困難:
④ 對于現(xiàn)有的手機功能:71% 的老年人認為不太滿意或不滿意,只有29% 的老年人認為滿意。
⑤ 71% 的老年人認為市場上沒有自己滿意的手機。因為手機主要朝兩個方向發(fā)展:一是高端手機,擁有較多的功能,向智能方向發(fā)展,對于老年人來說操作過于復雜,而且價格相對
以上調查結果表明大多數(shù)老年人無法接受多功能手機,因為多功能手機給他們帶來的不是方便而是困難。以訪談中的一位68 歲的葛先生為例,他對手機的功能很反感,當問及原因的時候,他說,我不會用手機,那么復雜的功能和程序,沒有耐心去看去學,感覺手機反而沒有固定電話方便。這位葛先生的看法反映了很多老年人的實際情況。
① 功能實用:現(xiàn)在好多手機為了追趕技術的前沿,增添了許多不實用的功能,從而增加了手機的使用難度。手機功能應該具有實用性,即在使用時省力、有效,容易達到使用目的。這是老年人使用時必須考慮的,如果某些功能的設置不能夠有效使用,不容易完成,或者這些功能根本就用不上,那么手機的設計對于老年人來說就是失敗的。
② 使用簡便:老年人往往希望生活用品使用方法簡單,操作輕松,而且保養(yǎng)維修方便,沒有負擔。現(xiàn)在的手機不斷改型,力圖滿足更多的需求,例如手機鍵盤逐漸向電腦鍵盤轉變,可是這明顯增加了使用的難度,造成老年人不愿意使用手機的狀況。 因此,操作簡單,使用方便的手機對老年人來說是最重要的。
③ 經濟耐用:老年人由于經濟基礎一般較差,而且由于思想觀念的原因,即使經濟狀況較好,他們的生活也會很儉樸,因此生活中他們會選擇經濟耐用的產品,因此功能較多、裝飾華麗、價格較高的手機一般不會被老年人所接受。
1. 多功能手機功能閑置
從照相手機到mp3、mp4 手機,手機功能日趨增多,令人眼花繚亂。手機的多功能化讓我們感受到時代的進步和科技的飛快發(fā)展,也造就了一個更加精彩的手機世界,但事實上我們真的需要那么多嗎?
短信息、記事本(辦事提醒)、鈴聲設定、藍牙、上網瀏覽、下載、日歷、紅外線、游戲、手機設置、名片夾(電話簿)、單位換算、數(shù)碼拍照、英漢字典、電子錢包、數(shù)碼攝像、視頻播放器、錄音機、鍵盤鎖定、電子圖書、通話記錄、辦公軟件、文件夾(圖片、音樂等)、鬧鈴、電子郵件、鈴聲編輯、來電轉移、音樂播放器、屏幕變換? .
2. 多功能導致待機時間縮短
一款彩屏拍照手機正常的待機時間是3 天,但是如果用于拍照,那么其待機時間只有5 個小時,如果同時使用多種功能的話,其待機時間將會更短,導致有些耗電比較大的功能成了虛設。這給用戶使用這些功能時帶來很大的不便。超大耗電量問題成為幾乎所有3G 手機的使用者的煩惱。
3. 新功能消費驚人
能看電視、點播電影是近年來新款手機的一大賣點。這類手機可以采用GPRS 上網,但是看半小時電視至少50 元,看90分鐘的大片要200 元以上!而且畫面慢,像動畫片,還特別耗電。這很大程度上影響了消費者的利益,花費高而且得不到很好的服務,結果是放棄對這些功能的使用。
4. 上網帶來手機病毒
[1] 王明旨.產品設計.北京:中國美術學院出版社, 1999.11(2003年4月重?。?
[2] 任立生. 設計心理學. 北京:化學工業(yè)出版社, 2005.7
[3] 張志華,萬然. 適當設計:產品造型的當代設計理念. 南昌大學學報第34卷第6期, 2003.11
[4] 手機新功能幾成沒用上. 電話信息報, 2003.11
[5] 有一說一. 手機附加功能實用性分析. 中關村在線論壇, 2006.8