1Section 14 - Onboard Maintenance System (OMS) & Basic TroubleshootingOnboard Maintenance System (OMS)Functional Architecture:The Onboard Maintenance System (OMS) on the A380 is hosted in the Network Server System (NSS) and supplies maintenance functions for:The aircraft systems (Avionics World)The Avionics domain of the NSS (Open World)It is linked to the avionics systems through two Secure Communication Interfaces (SCI) which are secured gateways between the Avionics world and the Open World.The OMS includes maintenance software applications that support aircraft maintenance tasks. The maintenance operators can get access to this data through HumanMachine Interfaces (HMI). The OMS can also communicate with ground stations through datalinks.The OMS is designed to support line & hangar maintenance activities and engineering follow-up by providing the following functions:Failure detection/reportingDispatchRepairServicingMaintaining continued Airworthiness Managing aircraft configurationHuman Machine Interfaces (HMl's) The maintenance applications are accessed and controlled through I-IMI's. These are as follows:Onboard Maintenance Terminal (0MT)CAPT & F/O Onboard Information Terminals (01 T)Portable Multipurpose Access Terminals (PMAT)Main and upper deck Forward Attendant Panels (FAP)PrinterOMS - FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTUREOnboard Maintenance System (OMS) Applications System DescriptionThe OMS is divided into 3 sub-systems, which are hosted in the two Aircraft Network Server Units — Operations (ANSI-JOPS) of the NSS Avionics domain. They record and exchange data through a maintenance shared database. The maintenance data is received through the SCI's and the Central Data Acquisition Module (CDAM).The three OMS sub-systems are:The Central Maintenance System (CMS), which identifies, centralizes and records system faults.The Data Loading & Configuration System (DLCS), which controls the data loading operations and aircraft configuration.The Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS), which supports preventive 2maintenance and in-depth investigation.The OMS also contains the following applications:Electronic Logbook for crew and maintenance personnel reportingPower Distribution Control System (PDCS), which controls and monitors circuit breaker status.Maintenance documentation (AirN@v) OMSPost Flight ReportCIB = Circuit BreakersOMS - APPLICATIONSCMS Data Recording During a FlightDuring a flight, maintenance data received by the CMS are recorded in a time frame defined by several criteria. The CMS data recording is launched if:Three or more engines are running plus 180 secs (3 minutes) and,Calculated Air Speed (CAS) higher than 180 kts or a new flight number has been entered by the pilots. The CMS data recording is stopped when:Less than 3 engines are runningCAS lower than 80 kts for 150 secs (2.5 minutes). Onboard Maintenance Terminal (OMT)LocationThe Onboard Maintenance Terminal (0M T) is located at the rear the flight deck, behind the First Officers seat.FunctionThe OMT allows the operator to log on and get access to the Network Server System (NSS). If the operator logs on as a maintainer, he will gain access to the OMS home page. Troubleshooting OverviewTypes of FaultsThere are two types of basic faults as follows:BITE FaultsNone-BITE FaultsBite FaultsBITE faults are detected by the electronic systems and include the faults detected by the Engine Electronic Controller (EEC). The EEC sends fault messages to the CMS for the following:Channel A & B FADEC system faultsEEC Internal faultsAircraft faults detected by the EECThrust Reverser faults detected by the EEC Thrust Reverser faults detected by the Electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation Controller (ETRAC).Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU) detected faults.The BITE fault message is displayed on the maintenance terminal and the Status, if applicable, is displayed on the ECAM.None-BITE Faults3None-BITE faults are the faults detected by the flight crew, maintenance, or condition monitoring. The faults include observations such as high oil consumption and module performance shifts.There are no fault messages but the faults are reported in the tech log and can be reported by condition monitoring. The Status, if applicable, is displayed on the ECAM.BITE Fault DetectionThe following illustration defines the BITE fault detection used on the Trent 900 in the A380-800. Fault ClassificationIntroductionThere are a total of six fault classifications on the A380. The Flight Warning System manages Class 1 and Class 4 failures only. The other failures classes are managed by the Central Maintenance Function. The fault classifications are as follows:Class O FailuresFailure message where the operational effect of a detected failure is not known by the monitoring unit (“class-less“ failure message).Class 1 FailuresAny detected failure generating a Flight Deck Effect (FDE) is covered by a class 1 failure message transmitted to theCMF. The FDE may be an ECAM warning, caution or advisorylocal warning flag on an instrument or an EFIS or ECAM displayThe FWS computes the alerts associated to Class 1 failures together with any abnormal procedure checklist. Class 2 Failures: not used anymoreClass 3 Failures:Any detected failure generating a Cabin Effect and with neither safety nor Airworthiness Authority regulation involvement (passenger comfort only).Class 4 FailuresAny failures which are categorised as Long Time Dispatch failures. Maintenance message (class 4) and LTD 'set flag' sent to the FWS. Maintenance have 500 hours to rectify these faults.The warning for these faults is not sent immediately, but the FWS increments a timer during 'flight hours' while EEC is sending it's LTD 'set flag'. When the timer saturates (200 hours) the FWS sets a warning. Dispatch allowed by the MMEL for the remaining period (300 hours). Once the warning is set, it can only be cleared by a specific 'clear flag' sent by the EEC. This is sent when the fault confirmation test is carried out and it fails to detect the fault.Class 5 Failures:Any detected failures with neither Flight Deck Effect nor Cabin Effect and without safety involvement or time limitation. However, when combined with one or more other failures, can generate a FDE or Cabin Effect with potential aircraft delay.Class 6 Failures:Any detected failure with neither FDE nor Cabin Effect and without any safety or 4time limitation, but having an impact on aircraft performances (economical consequences). This page left intentionally blank Onboard Maintenance SystemGetting Access to OMS Home PageUsing the 0M T or the Capt. Or F/0 01 T's you can get access to the OMS Home page.On the Open World Shell System page, select Login as Maintainer and the OMS Home page will come into view. OMS Home PageIntroductionThrough the OMS Home page, you can get access to all the functions of the maintenance applications as follows: Power Distribution Control (PDCS)If available select Power Distribution Control on the OMS Home page Or on the OMS Home page select Main Functions pull-down menu and select Power Distribution ControlPost Flight Report (PFR) and Fault Detail pageIf available select Post Flight Report on the OMS Home pageOr on the OMS Home page select the Context Home page pull-down menu and select Post Flight ReportTo get access to the Fault Detail page, select a fault case on the PFR and the Fault Detail page comes into viewSystem Report TestIf available select System Report/Test on the OMS Home pageOr on the OMS Home page select Main Functions pull-down menu and select CMS — System Report/TestSystem MonitoringOn the OMS Home page select Main Functions pull-down menu and select CMS — System MonitoringLoad UploadingIf available select Load Uploading on the OMS Home page Or on the OMS Home page select Main Functions pull-down menu and select DI-CS — Load UploadingEquipment IdentificationIf available select Load Uploading on the OMS Home pageOr on the OMS Home page select Main Functions pull-down menu and select DI-CS — Equipment IdentificationCMS EngineeringOn the OMS Home page select Advanced Functions pulldown menu and select CMS — EngineeringClosing OMS session on OMTMake sure that there are no windows open relating to the maintenance application.In the Context Home page pull-down menu, select ExitDrop-Down Menu'sAt the top of the Home page there are a number of dropdown menu's as follows:5Main Functions Advanced FunctionsDocumentationUtilitiesOn the drop down menu for each, there are a number of further selections which can be selected as shown on the following pages.Main Functions cont’d:CMS System MonitoringSystem Report/TestDI-CS Load UploadingEquipment IdentificationPDCS Power Distribution ControlAdvanced FunctionsDI-CS A/C ConfigurationDownloadingReference NameRepository ManagementSoftware Pin ProgUnistallationACMS Condition MonitoringData RecordingReal Time MonitoringRefuelDocumentation:AirnavMEL/CDLAdvanced Functions:CMS Engineering Export BoxHistory Clear Printer Manager Task ReminderUtilities:Maintenance HistoryPost Flight ReportThe Post Flight Report (PFR) shows the faults recorded during the last flight leg correlated to the Flight Deck Effects (FDEs).On the Time Limited tab of the PFR it shows the Class 4 faults, which have a time limit before they are required to be corrected. On this page there is a column giving the time remaining before the fault must be corrected.From the PFR, the fault message can be selected on the screen and the Fault Detail page for that fault will be shown. This gives the following:Logbook entryFDE(s)Fault messageFrom the fault message on the Fault Detail page, the Trouble Shooting Manual can be 6TSM Fault ProceduresAn example of a typical troubleshooting procedure is attached on the following pages. The procedure follows a set format which is as shown belowJob SetupFault ConfirmationFault IsolationClose-up TASK 73-21-00-810-845-AFailure of the Hydromechanical Unit Fuel Metering Valve Torque Motor on Channel B1. Job Set-up Information2. Fault ConfirmationSubtask 73-21-00-860-096-AA. Energize the FADEC of the engine that has a fault report.(1) On the ENG section of the panel 1255VM push the ENG FADEC GND PWR pushbutton switch, and the ON legend comes on. Subtask 73-21-00-710-085-AB. Do the steps that follow to find the status of the fault.NOTE: When you disconnect fuel tubes, air can get into the fuel system. Air in the fuel system can cause related maintenance messages to be shown when you next start the engine. This air will be automatically removed during continued engine operation. The next time you operate the engine the related messages should not show, unless they are caused differently.(1) Do the engine automatic start procedure AMM 710000860812 .(2) Let the engine become stable and operate at idle for 2 minutes.(3) stop the engine AMM 710000860814 .(4) On the OMT, get access to the Fault Detail page to find the status of the fault AMM 450000860801 .(5) If the status is CONFIRMED, go to the Para. Fault Isolation.(6) If the status is NOT CONFIRMED:Do the FADEC System Test on channel B AMM 732100740901 . If the test confirms the fault, go to the Para. Fault Isolation.NOTE: If a fault has occurred again and again without being confirmed, refer to the unconfirmed faults procedure (Ref. TSM 3. Fault IsolationSubtask 73-21-00-812-027-AA. If there is confirmation of the fault:(Ref. Fig. I-IMU to EEC Channel B Wiring Schematic SHEET 1)Do the electrical checks that follow between the EEC (4000KS) and the Hydromechanical Unit (HMU) (4000KC).(1) Get access to the EEC.(a) Open the fan cowl doors AMM 711300010801 .(2) At the EEC, disconnect the electrical harness connector 4000KS-J14.(3) On the electrical harness connector 4000KS-J14:7(a) Do a check of the electrical resistance between the pins that follow AMM 715000200804 : EEC ( 4000KS* ) pin J14/11 and EEC (4000KS* ) pin J14/12 (65-157 Ohms).(b) Do a check of the insulation resistance between the pins that follow AMM 715000200803 : EEC ( 4000KS* ) pin J14/11 and ground (1 Megohm minimum).(4) If the resistance values are in the specified limits: Continue this procedure at step 3.B.(5) If the resistance values are out of the specified limits:(a) Replace the EEC (4000KS* ) AMM 732134000801 and AMM 732134400801 .(b) Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.(c) If the fault continues:Continue this procedure at step 3.D.-3Subtask 73-21-00-812-028-AB. If the fault continues Do the electrical checks that follow at the I-IMU (4000KC).(1) At the HMU, disconnect the electrical connector 4000KC-B.(2) On the HMU electrical connector 4000KC-B:(a) Do a check of the electrical resistance between the pins that follow AMM 71500020Q?04 : HMU (4000102) pin B/14 and I-IMIJ (4000KC* ) pin 8/15 (65-157 Ohms).(b) Do a check of the insulation resistance between the pins that follow and ground AMM 715000200803 : I-IMIJ (A-OOQK?-) pin B/14 and ground (1 Megohm minimum).(3) If the resistance values are in the specified limits: Continue this procedure at step 3.C.(4) If the resistance values are out of the specified limits:(a) Replace the I-IMIJ (4000KC* ) AMM 732152000801 and AMM 732152400?01 .(b) Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.(c) If the fault continues:Continue this procedure at step 3.E.Subtask 73-21-00-812-029-AC. If the fault continues:(1) Do a visual inspection of the electrical harness (4313KS) between the EEC and the HMU AMM 715000200801 .(2) Do a continuity check of the electrical harness between the pins that follow AMM 715000200802 : EEC ( ) pin J14/11 and I-IMU (4000KC* ) pin B/15EEC (40QOKS* ) pin J14/12 and I-IMU (AQOOKQ*-) pin B/14 ?NOTE: Make sure the electrical connectors 4000KS-J14 and 4000KC-B are disconnected for the insulation resistance checks.(3) Do a check of the insulation resistance between the pins that follow and ground AMM 71aQQ0200803 :EEC (4000KS* ) pin J14/11 and ground (1 Megohm minimum)8EEC ( 4000KS* ) pin J14/12 and ground (1 Megohm minimum)EEC ( 4000KS* ) pin J14/11 and EEC (APQQKS*_) pin J14/12 (1 Megohm minimum).(a) If you find a problem:Repair or replace the electrical harness as necessary AMM 715161000801 and AMM 715161400801 .Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.Subtask 73-21-00-811-085-AD. if the fault continues:Look at the steps you have completed during this procedure.(1) If you have not replaced the HMU:(a) Replace the HMIJ ) AMM 732152000801 and AMM 732152400801 .(b) Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.Subtask 73-21-00-811-086-AE. If the fault continues:Look at the steps you have completed during this procedure.(1) If you have not replaced the EEC:(a) Replace the EEC ( ) AMM 73213400080.1 and AMM 7321340801 (b) Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.Subtask 73-21-00-811-087-AF. If the fault continues:Look at the steps you have completed during this procedure.(1) If you have not replaced the electrical harness (4313KS) between the EEC and the I-IMLJ.(a) Replace the electrical harness AMM 715161000801 and AMM 715161400801 .(b) Do the test(s) given in the Para. Fault Confirmation.4. Close-upSubtask 73-21-00-942-045-AA. Put the aircraft back to its initial configuration.(1) Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tools and other items.(a) Close the fan cowl doors AMM 711300410801 .This page left intentionally blankEnd of Section9外文翻譯資料譯文部分第 14 節(jié)- 機載維護系統(tǒng)(OMS)&基本故障排除機載維護系統(tǒng)(OMS)功能架構:A380 機載維護系統(tǒng)(OMS) 安裝在網(wǎng)絡服務器系統(tǒng)(NSS)中,并為以下方面提供維護功能:飛機系統(tǒng)(航空電子領域)網(wǎng)絡服務器系統(tǒng)的航空電子領域(開放的世界)它通過兩個安全通信接口(SCI)連接到航空電子系統(tǒng),安全通信接口是航空電子世界和開放世界之間的安全網(wǎng)關。機載維護系統(tǒng)包括支持飛機維護任務的維護軟件應用程序。維護操作人員可以通過人機交互界面(HMI)訪問這些數(shù)據(jù)。機載維護系統(tǒng)還可以通過數(shù)據(jù)鏈路與地面站通信。機載維護系統(tǒng)旨在通過提供以下功能來支持航線和機庫的維護活動和工程跟蹤:故障檢測/報告派遣修理勤務保持持續(xù)適航管理飛機配置人機交互界面(HML)維護應用程序通過人機交互界面進行訪問和控制。這些應用如下:機載維修終端(OMT)機長及機上資料終端(0IT)便攜式多功能接入終端(PMAT)駕駛艙主面板和上面板前護板(FAP)打印機機載維護系統(tǒng)(OMS) 應用系統(tǒng)描述機載維護系統(tǒng)分為 3 個子系統(tǒng),它們安裝在網(wǎng)絡服務器系統(tǒng)航空電子領域的兩個飛機網(wǎng)絡服務器組件--操作 (ANSI-JOPS)中。它們通過維護共享數(shù)據(jù)庫記錄和交換數(shù)據(jù)。維護數(shù)據(jù)通過安全通信接口和中央數(shù)據(jù)采集模塊(CDAM)接收。三個機載維護系統(tǒng)子系統(tǒng)是:中央維護系統(tǒng)(CMS),負責識別、集中和記錄系統(tǒng)故障。數(shù)據(jù)裝載與配置系統(tǒng)(DLCS),它控制數(shù)據(jù)裝載操作和飛機配置。飛機狀態(tài)監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)(ACMs),支持預防性維護和深度檢查。10圖 1 機載維護系統(tǒng)功能結構機載維護系統(tǒng)還包含以下應用:機組員和維修人員報告電子日志。配電控制系統(tǒng)(PDC),它控制和監(jiān)控斷路器的狀態(tài)。維修文件(AirN@v)飛行過程中的中央維護系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)記錄在飛行過程中,中央維護系統(tǒng)接收的維護數(shù)據(jù)記錄在由多個標準確定的時間范圍內(nèi)。啟動中央維護系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)記錄的前提是:三個或更多的發(fā)動機在運行,外加 180 秒(3 分鐘),和飛行員已輸入超過 180 節(jié)或新航班號的計算空速(CAS)。當下列情況下停止中央維護系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)記錄:只有不到 3 個發(fā)動機在運轉計算空速低于 80 節(jié)在 150 秒(2.5 分鐘) 內(nèi)。圖 2 中央維護系統(tǒng),飛行過程中的數(shù)據(jù)記錄機載維護終端(OMT)位置機載維護終端(OMT)位于飛行面板的后面,正機長座位后面。11功能機載維護終端允許操作員登錄并訪問網(wǎng)絡服務器系統(tǒng)(NSS)。如果操作員以維護人員身份登錄,他將訪問機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁。圖 1 機載維護終端顯示屏 圖 4 機載維護終端使用故障排除概述故障類型有兩種類型的基本故障,如下:自檢故障非自檢故障自檢故障自檢故障由電子系統(tǒng)檢測,包括由發(fā)動機電子控制器(EEC)檢測到的故障。發(fā)動機電子控制器向中央維護系統(tǒng)發(fā)送故障消息如下:全權限數(shù)字電子控制系統(tǒng) A,B 通道故障發(fā)動機電子控制器內(nèi)部故障發(fā)動機電子控制器發(fā)現(xiàn)的飛機故障發(fā)動機電子控制器檢測到的反推故障由電子反推作動控制器(ETRAC)檢測到的故障。發(fā)動機監(jiān)控組件(EMU) 檢測到的故障。自檢故障消息顯示在維護終端上,如果適當?shù)臓顟B(tài)會顯示在飛機電子中央監(jiān)控上。非自檢故障非自檢故障是由機組人員、維修人員或狀態(tài)監(jiān)測人員檢測到的故障.。故障包括高油耗和模塊性能變化等觀測。沒有故障消息,但故障報告在技術日志中,和可以通過狀態(tài)監(jiān)視來報告。如果適用的話,該狀態(tài)將顯示在飛機電子中央監(jiān)控上。12圖 5 發(fā)動機故障類型自檢故障檢測下圖定義了在 A 380-800 中 Trent 900 上使用的自檢故障檢測。圖 6 故障自檢故障分類介紹A 380 上共有六種故障類型。飛行警告系統(tǒng)只管理 1 級和 4 級故障。其他故障類由中央維護功能管理。故障分類如下:0 級故障在監(jiān)視單元不知道檢測到的故障的操作效果的故障消息(“無等級” 故障消息)。1 級故障任何檢測到的故障產(chǎn)生的駕駛艙效應(FDE)被覆蓋到一個 1 級的故障消息發(fā)13送中央維護功能。駕駛艙效應可能是飛機電子中央監(jiān)控警告、警戒或咨詢。在儀表或電子飛行儀表系統(tǒng)或飛機電子中央監(jiān)控顯示器上的本地警告標志飛行警告系統(tǒng)計算與一級故障相關的警報以及任何異常過程檢查表。2 級故障不能再使用3 級故障任何檢測到的故障都會產(chǎn)生駕駛室效應,并且既不涉及安全,也不涉及適航管理局的監(jiān)管(僅限于乘客舒適)。4 級故障任何被歸類為長時間調度故障的故障。發(fā)送給飛行警告系統(tǒng)的維護消息(4 級)和長時間調度故障的‘標志’ 。維修有 500 個小時來糾正這些故障。對于這些故障的警告不是立即發(fā)送,但是在飛行期間當發(fā)動機電子控制器發(fā)送長時間調度故障“ 標志” 飛行警告系統(tǒng)增加一個計時器。當計時器使充滿(200 小時)飛行警告系統(tǒng)的出現(xiàn)警告。主最低設備清單允許的剩余時間(300 小時)的調度。一旦出現(xiàn)了警告,則只能由發(fā)動機電子控制器發(fā)送的特定“清除標志” 清除。這是在進行故障確認測試時和它沒有檢測到故障發(fā)送的。5 級故障任何檢測到的故障,既沒有飛行面板效應,也沒有駕駛艙效應,也不涉及安全或時間限制。但是,當與一個或多個其他故障相結合時,可以生成飛行面板效應或駕駛艙效應可能導致飛機延誤。6 級故障任何檢測到的故障,既沒有飛行面板效應,也沒有駕駛艙效應,也不涉及安全或時間限制,但對飛機性能有影響(經(jīng)濟后果) 。機載維護系統(tǒng)訪問機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁使用機載維護終端或機長或副駕駛機的載信息終端,您可以訪問機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁。在開放世界殼牌系統(tǒng)頁面上,選擇登錄名作為維護人員,機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁將進入視圖。機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁介紹通過機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁,您可以訪問維護應用程序的所有功能,如下所示:14圖 7 機載維護系統(tǒng)登錄介面 電源分配控制(PDCS)如果可用,選擇機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上的電源分配控制或在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇“主要功能” 下拉菜單并選擇電源分配控制。飛行報告(PFR)和故障詳細信息頁面如果可用,選擇機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上的飛行報告或在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇目錄主頁下拉菜單并選擇飛行報告若要訪問故障詳細信息頁,請在飛行報告上選擇故障案例,然后查看故障詳細信息頁系統(tǒng)報告測試如果可用,在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇系統(tǒng)報告/測試或者在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇主要功能下拉菜單并選擇中央維護系統(tǒng)——系統(tǒng)報告/測試系統(tǒng)監(jiān)控在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇主要功能下拉菜單并選擇中央維護系統(tǒng)——系統(tǒng)監(jiān)控負載上傳如果可用,選擇加載上載到機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁或在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇主要功能下拉菜單并選擇數(shù)據(jù)裝載和配置系統(tǒng)——負載上傳設備鑒定如果可用,選擇加載上載到機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁或在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇主15要功能下拉菜單并選擇數(shù)據(jù)裝載和配置系統(tǒng)——設備鑒定中央維護系統(tǒng)工程在機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁上選擇高級功能下拉菜單并選擇中央維護系統(tǒng)——工程在機載維護終端上結束機載維護系統(tǒng)會話確保沒有打開與維護應用程序相關的窗口。在目錄主頁下拉菜單中,選擇退出機載維護系統(tǒng)下拉菜單在主頁的頂部有一些下拉菜單,如下所示:主要功能高級功能文件使用在每個下拉菜單上,還有許多其他的選擇,如下面的頁面所示。主要功能:中央維護系統(tǒng) 系統(tǒng)監(jiān)控 系統(tǒng)報告/測試數(shù)據(jù)裝載和配置系統(tǒng) 負載上傳 設備鑒定電源分配控制 電源分配控制高級功能:中央維護系統(tǒng) 工程 歷史操作高級功能目錄:數(shù)據(jù)裝載和配置系統(tǒng) 飛機配置 下載 參考名 倉庫 管理 軟件 Pin Prog 卸載飛機狀態(tài)監(jiān)控系統(tǒng) 狀態(tài)監(jiān)控 數(shù)據(jù)記錄 實時監(jiān)控加油文件: Airnav 最低設備清單 /缺件單使用: 出口箱 打印機管理器 任務提醒飛行報告飛行報告(PFR)顯示了在最后一次飛行中記錄的與駕駛艙效應(FDES)相關的故障。在飛行報告的時間限制列表選項卡上,它顯示了 4 類故障,它們在需要更正之前有一個時限。在這個頁面上有一個列,給出在錯誤必須糾正之前的剩余時間。從飛行報告中,可以在屏幕上選擇故障消息,并顯示該故障的故障詳細信息頁。這顯示了以下:日志條目16駕駛艙效應故障信息從故障詳細信息頁面的故障消息,可以訪問故障排除手冊,以糾正故障。表 1 飛行報告排故手冊故障程序下面的頁面附有一個典型故障排除過程的示例。該過程遵循一個設置的格式,如下所示(任務 73-21-00-810-845-A)工件設置故障確認故障隔離結朿B 通道 液壓機械裝置燃油計量閥轉矩電動機故障1. 任務設置信息表 2 參考信息序號 日期 故障描述1/3 2003.1.31 14:02謹慎:右燃油箱的中心泵出囗壓力低2/3 2003.1.31 14:25日志:在巡航出現(xiàn) 1 次方向舵配平警告警告:飛行控制方向舵配平出現(xiàn)1 次故障3/3 2003.1.31 17:12指示旗:交輸活門出現(xiàn)琥珀色的交輸線參考 名稱71- 00-00-810-810-A 未確認故障AMM 450000860801 訪問機載維護系統(tǒng)主頁AMM 710000860812 啟動發(fā)動機的程序-自動啟動AMM 710000860814 關閉發(fā)動機的程序AMM 711300010801 開啟風扇整流罩AMM 711300410801 關閉風扇整流罩AMM 715000200801 發(fā)動機電線束和電纜的檢查AMM 715000200802 電線電纜的連續(xù)性檢查AMM 715000200803線束、電纜和航線可更換件(LRUs)的絕緣電阻檢172. 故障確認分任務 73-21-00-860-096-A給有故障報告的發(fā)動機的 FADEC 供電。(1)在面板 1255 VM 的發(fā)動機部分,按 ENGFADEC GND PWR 按鈕開關,打開圖例。分任務 73-21-00-710-085-AB. 執(zhí)行以下步驟以查找故障狀態(tài)。注:當你斷開燃油管,空氣可以進入燃油系統(tǒng)。燃料系統(tǒng)中的空氣會導致在你下一次啟動發(fā)動機時顯示相關的維修信息。這空氣將在發(fā)動機運行過程中自動地移除。下一次操作發(fā)動機時,不會顯示相關的消息,除非它們是不同原因造成的。(1)完成發(fā)動機 自動啟動程序 AMM 710000860812。(2)讓發(fā)動機穩(wěn)定下來,在慢速狀態(tài)下工作 2 分鐘。(3)停止發(fā)動機 AMM 710000860814。(4)在 OMT,獲取故障的詳細頁面找到故障狀態(tài)的 AMM 450000860801。(5)如果狀態(tài)確定了,就去 Para.故障隔離。(6)如果狀態(tài)未得到確認:在 B 通道上進行 FADEC 系統(tǒng)測試. AMM 732100740901。如果測試確定了故障,就去 Para.故障隔離。注意:如果一次又一次的錯誤沒有被確認,請參考未確認的故障過程(參考文獻TSM 71-00-00-810-810)3. 故障隔離分任務 73-21-00-812-027-AA.如果確認了錯誤:(參考 文獻 HMU 至 EEC 通道 B 布線示意圖 1)-對 EEC(4000 KS)和液壓機械組件(HMU)(4000 KC)之間進行電檢查嗎?查AMM 715000200804 航線可更換件(LRUs)的電阻檢測AMM 715161000801 風扇區(qū)域電纜的拆除AMM 715161400801 安裝風扇區(qū)域電纜AMM 732100740801 FADEC 系統(tǒng)測試(EEC 的自檢)AMM 732134
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