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ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Vol. XI 2011 No. 1 Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components M. STOSIAK Wrocg225aw University of Technology, Wybrzeg298e Wyspiag276skiego 25, 50-370 Wrocg225aw, Poland. This paper deals with the effects of external mechanical vibrations on hydraulic valves. A theoretical analy- sis of the contribution of selected vibration insulators to a reduction in hydraulic valve housing vibrations was carried out. The results of preliminary experimental tests of simple vibration insulators are reported. Keywords: mechanical vibrations, pressure fluctuations, hydraulic valve 1. Introduction Major features of hydraulic systems are periodic changes of pressure around an aver- age value, commonly referred to as pressure fluctuations. Their consequences are defi- nitely negative. The cyclic operation of the pumps displacement components 1 or the self-excitation of the control components in hydraulic valves 2 due to the action of the flowing liquid 4 or to external mechanical vibrations 3, 5, 6 are among the causes of pressure fluctuations. Pressure fluctuations cause the individual system components to vibrate. This has an adverse effect, particularly on the precision of positioning of, for ex- ample, the cutting tool in a machine tool. This also applies (although to a smaller degree) to mobile machines which are the source of vibrations affecting the rigidly fixed hydraulic valves. Generally, the complex problem of the transmission of vibrations by a machine or a piece of equipment can be divided into three interconnected categories: g120 vibration sources, g120 vibration transmission paths, g120 effects. The most frequent cause of vibrations are disturbances connected with the motion or operation of the machine, for example when a mobile machine moves on an uneven surface or when the rotating parts are unbalanced during material machining. Another major vibration source are drive units, for example a combustion engine performing a periodic variable-characteristic work cycle 7, 8. An operating hydraulic system is also a source of mechanical vibrations caused mainly by pressure surges and the peri- odic operation of the displacement pump. Since the generated vibrations have different frequencies the paths of their transmission are also different. The irregularities of the surface on which a mobile machine moves cause excitations in a frequency range of 0.5250 Hz 911. The latter includes excitations generated by the driving (combus- tion) engine and the displacement pump kinematics, manifesting themselves in pres- M. STOSIAK238 sure fluctuations in the machines hydraulic system. The vibrations due to the resis- tance of flowing air are in a frequency range of 25016 000 Hz and they are caused by airflow separation from the machines components. Also the flow of the working me- dium in the hydraulic system causes vibration and noise. Sometimes cavitation occurs, generating high-frequency noise. The vibrations generated and transmitted by a ma- chine produce various effects. Mechanical vibrations affect the machine operator. The components of the systems with which the machine is equipped, particularly hydraulic components and systems are also subject to mechanical vibrations. Such components are required to have good dynamic properties and to be characterized by stability, positioning precision, operating reliability and certainty and little noisiness. Modern proportional hydraulic valves or hydraulic microvalves are particularly exposed to external mechanical vibrations since the disturbing forces in them can amount to the controlling forces, which may lead to many adverse effects, such as stability loss, po- sitioning inaccuracy, damage to seals and increased noisiness 12. 2. Flexible fixing of hydraulic valve As mentioned above, in order to minimize the vibration of the hydraulic valves control element it seems sensible to isolate the valve housing from the external me- chanical vibrations of the base (for example the vibrating frame of a mobile machine or a machine tool). For the analysis of the effect of the flexible fixing of a hydraulic valve on the vibration of its housing a special clamping holder for the hydraulic dis- tributor was designed. The latter is on its two sides supported by a system of springs with a known linear characteristic and a known pre-deflection (Figure 1). Fig. 1. Valve holder: 1 hydraulic valve (distributor), 2 holder base, 3 spring pre-deflection bolts, 4 springs, 5 securing catches The design of the holder is such that the valve mounted in it is constrained by springs (with an equivalent stiffness) and it moves on the holder base (2 in Figure 1) rubbing against it in accordance with the dry friction model. On its two sides the valve Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components 239 is supported by springs. A scheme of the hydraulic system in which the proportional distributor type 4WRE 6 E08-12/24Z4/M operates is shown in Figure 2. TP A B 4 1 3 w = w 0 sin(2 g83 f t) Fig. 2. Scheme of hydraulic system incorporating investigated component: 1 feed pump, 2 relief valve, 3 investigated component, 4 adjustable throttle valve For a two-mass system the model of the proportional distributor operating in the hydraulic system shown in Figure 2 can be represented by the following system of four equations: g11g12 g11g12 g11g12 g11g12 g11g12 g11g12 g11g12g11g12g11g12 g11g12g11g12g11g12 g11g12 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g175 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g176 g174 g173 g32g152g152g152g16g14 g14g16g152g16g16g16g152g152g152g14 g14g16g152g14g16g152g14g16g152g14g152 g32 g152 g152g152g16g152g16g152g16g152g16 g32g152g16g152g16g16g152g152 g16 g152g152g16 g32g16g152g14 g14g16g152 g16 g152g152g152g152g14g16g152g152g152g152g14g152 .0 1 ,0 2 ,0 2 5.1 , 2 1 72.0 22 22022 212112122 2 1221111 111121 2 1 211 21 2 1 2111 gimwXsing wXsingwXlHgm wXcXXkXXcXm p ACpcpcpaQ pcpapp x xX sQ FXXc pp x xX sXX h l dXm z aqkkpp kp m p sp M m p st g80 g80 g85 g85 g91 g80g83 g5 g5 g5 g5 g5g5g5g5 g5g5 g5 g5g5g5g5 (1) M. STOSIAK240 The fourth equation describes the forces acting on the valve housing in the consid- ered case. Further on this equation will be modified to describe the characteristics of the proposed vibration insulation elements. Some simplifying assumptions to Equa- tions (1): g120 working liquid does not change its properties, g120 Coulomb friction is neglected in pair: spool-muff inside directional control valve, g120 Coulomb friction represents cooperation between valve body and valve holder, g120 after play (between valve body and securing catches) is cancelled Coulomb friction represents cooperation between valve body and securing catches, g120 springs characteristics are linear and described by stiffness coefficient c, g120 description of hydraulic system is based on concentrated parameter model, g120 the model does not represent influence pipes on valve body vibrations. List of major symbols: Symbol Parameter Dimension in SI a p1 leakage coefficient m 4 s/kg A a throttle valve gap area m 2 c 1 equivalent stiffness of valve centring springs N/m c z equivalent stiffness of springs fixing valve in holder N/m C q1 throttle valve flow ratio d t piston diameter m f frequency Hz g Earths acceleration m/s 2 h valve-sleeve pair gap thickness m H Heaviside step function k 1 , k 2 damping in respectively valve-sleeve pair and housing-holder pair Ns/m l piston length m l 0 gap of valve body and securing catches m m 1 mass of piston valve and 1/3 of spring mass kg m 2 mass of distributor housing kg p 1 pressure before distributor Pa p 2 pressure after distributor Pa p z sink line pressure Pa g39p 2 throttle valve pressure drop Pa s s maximum gap width m t time s w excitation vibration amplitude m Q p theoretical pump delivery m 3 /s x m gap length m x p mutual shift of valve and housing edges m X 1 displacement of piston valve m X 2 displacement of distributor housing m g802 coefficient of friction of valve housing against securing catches g80i coefficient of friction of valve housing against holder base g85 working liquid density kg/m 3 g90 angular frequency rad/s Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components 241 Model (1) also takes into account the interaction between the valve housing and se- curing catches 5 (Figure 1). A numerical solution in the form of a “transmission func- tion”, understood as a ratio of valve housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 , is shown in Figure 3. 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 f Hz a 2 /a 0 - Fig. 3. Proportional distributor housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 relative to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 for f = 1060 Hz An analysis of the simulation results shows a considerable gain in housing vibra- tion amplitude at a frequency of about 20 Hz. This is due to resonance since the mass of the vibrating valve amounts to about 4.5 kg and the equivalent stiffness of the holder springs is 86 000 N/m. Hence a gain in distributor housing vibration amplitude is ob- served in the range of 1030 Hz (ineffective vibration insulation). This means that valve insulation which will widen the insulation zone and reduce the resonance zone should be proposed. The black-box approach (Figure 4) was adopted to solve the problem. Different forms of the insulating element can be assumed. The introduction of a vi- bration insulator with quasi-zero stiffness significantly contributes to the minimization of valve housing vibrations. The ideal characteristic of the vibration insulator with quasi-zero stiffness is described by the following Equation 13: , cos )(2)2(sin)( 222 222111 HH HwHwwHHwH lx x lcPxcclcPxF g68 g68 g14 g14g16g14g14g14g32 (2) M. STOSIAK242 where: c 1w , c 2w stiffness of respectively the main spring and the compensation spring, g68 H angle of initial, original inclination of the side arm to axis y, P 1H , P 2H initial spring tensions in position g68 H N, l H length of the side arm in position g68 H . m 2 m 1 g11g12 111 cos g41g16g152g152g32 txX g90 g11g12 222 cos g41g16g152g152g32 txX g90 g11g12tww g152g152g32 g90cos 0 c 1 k 1 l 0 ? Fig. 4. Black-box approach to valve vibration insulation The total stiffness of such a vibration insulator in the excitation direction (the di- rection of the external mechanical vibration) is: . cos cos cos )(2 2)( 222 22 222 22 21 g184 g184 g185 g183 g168 g168 g169 g167 g14 g14 g14 g16g14g32 HH HH HH HwH ww lx l lx lcP ccxc g68 g68 g68 (3) Thus the fourth equation of model (1) can be written as: g11g12g11 g12 g11g12.0 cos cos cos )(2 2 2 222 2 22 222 2 22 21 12112122 g32g16g152 g184 g184 g185 g183 g168 g168 g169 g167 g184 g184 g185 g183 g168 g168 g169 g167 g14 g14 g14 g16g14g14 g14g16g152g14g16g152g14g152 wX lX l lX lcP cc XXkXXcXm HH HH HH HwH ww g68 g68 g68 g5g5g5g5 (4) Exemplary solutions of model (1) supplemented with Equation (4) are shown in the figures below for excitation frequency f = 1060 Hz. An analysis of the simulation results shows that thanks to the use of the vibration insulator with quasi-zero stiffness the vibration of the valve housing can be considera- bly reduced. However, because of its dimensions such an insulator cannot be used in small spaces. Therefore materials with good vibration insulation properties and suit- able for the use in small spaces should be sought. It seems that special pads (mats) for mounting hydraulic valves on them could meet the requirements. Such materials should also be resistant to hydraulic fluids and extreme ambient temperatures. Using the Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components 243 black-box approach one can select an insulator material characteristic ensuring effec- tive vibration insulation in a wide excitation range. 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 f Hz a 2 /a 0 - Fig. 5. Proportional distributor housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 relative to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 for f = 1060 Hz 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 f Hz a 2 /a 0 - Fig. 6. Proportional distributor housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 relative to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 for f = 1060 Hz M. STOSIAK244 The results of the application of a vibration insulator with characteristic xkxc g5g152g14g152 2 2 2 and c 2 = 20 000 N/m and k 2 = 50 Ns/m are shown in Figure 6. In this case, the fourth equation of model (1) should be supplemented with a nonlinear vibration insulator characteristic. When a vibration insulator with a nonlinear damping characteristic (k 2 = 250 Ns/m) and linear stiffness (c 2 = 20 000 N/m) 2 22 xkxc g5g152g14g152 is used to insulate base vibrations the valve housing vibrations are as shown in Figure 7. 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 f Hz a 2 /a 0 - Fig. 7. Proportional distributor housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 relative to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 for f = 1060 Hz Figures 5 and 6 show that such a nonlinear vibration insulator characteristic can be selected that the insulation will be effective in the whole considered excitation fre- quency range. The problem of influence of mechanical vibrations on valve was considered in theo- retical and experimental way. Theoretical considerations were based on numerical calculations according to mathematical model. For some theoretical considerations experimental tests were done using test stand (hydraulic simulator, valve holder, spring set). 3. Experimental tests A test rig enabling the generation of mechanical vibrations characterized by a pre- scribed frequency was built to experimentally verify the theoretical results and conclu- Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components 245 sions. The investigated valve Mannesmann-Rexroth proportional distributor type 4WRE 6 E08-12/24Z4/M fixed in the holder was mounted on the test rig and sub- jected to external mechanical vibrations (photo 1). Tests were done without pipes connected to valve. A linear hydrostatic drive simulator Hydropax ZY25 made by Mannesmann-Rexroth, capable of generating vibrations up to 100 Hz, was the source of external mechanical vibrations. Main component of simulator of linear hydrostatic drive is servo valve which controls hydraulic cylinder. The simulator consists three main parts: hydraulic part, control part and control software. Displacement of simulator table is controlled by displacement transducer and its acceleration is controlled by accelerometer. On simu- lator table the tested valve was mounted. Electrical control signal for simulator was supported by external harmonic signal generator. The simulator is described in more detail in 4. The proportional distributor was placed in the special holder and bilaterally supported with springs (there were two springs connected in parallel on each of the sides). Preliminary tests were carried out for springs with an equivalent stiffness of 86 000 N/m and a pre-deflection of 2 mm. The external excitation pa- rameters are shown in Table 2. Photo 1. Proportional distributor placed in special holder and bilaterally supported with springs, during testing Table 2. Amplitude of vibrations acting on tested hydraulic distributor f Hz w 0 m 30 0.000483 35 0.000406 40 0.000366 45 0.000269 50 0.000214 55 0.000145 60 0.0000522 Figure 8 shows an overall valve vibration diagram for the external excitation, i.e. a ratio of proportional distributor housing acceleration amplitude a 2 to excitation vi- bration amplitude a 0 versus a frequency of 2560 Hz. M. STOSIAK246 It appears from the diagram shown in Figure 8 that for a system of springs with equivalent stiffness c z = 86 000 N/m and a proportional distributor with a mass of 4.5 kg the vibration insulation is effective (transmission function a 2 /a 0 1) in the given external vibration frequency range. As a result of the insulation, the distributor housing vibration amplitude and the distributor slide-valve vibration amplitude de- crease 5. Consequently, the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations due to the excita- tion of distributor slide-valve vibrations also decreases. However, in the case of so simple vibration insulation, resonance may be generated at external vibration frequen- cies other than the ones used in the test. Therefore, as Figures 5 and 6 indicate, a vi- bration insulation element with other properties and characteristics, e.g. with nonlinear stiffness and with damping, should be used. 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 f Hz a 2 /a 0 - Fig. 8. Proportional distributor housing vibration acceleration amplitude a 2 relative to excitation vibration acceleration amplitude a 0 for f = 2560 Hz 4. Conclusion It has been shown that there is a need to reduce the vibration of the hydraulic valves with which machine tools and mobile machines are commonly equipped. The use of vibration insulators in the form of springs whose characteristics are linear results in a reduction in valve housing vibration acceleration amplitude at certain external vibration frequencies, but it may be conducive to resonance at other fre- quencies. Comparison of results presented on Figure 3 and Figure 8 shows, that dif- ferences between model and test are not great for frequency range 3560 Hz. The biggest differences are observed in resonant area (25 Hz). It follows from the pre- sented cases of vibration insulation (Figures 58) that materials with linear charac- Vibration insulation of hydraulic system control components 247 teristics should be used in order to extend the range of effective vibration insulation. Thanks to the use of a vibration insulator with a nonlinear characteristic the valve housing vibration acceleration amplitude was reduced by a few tens of percent: by over 90% for the vibration insulator with quasi-zero stiffness and by about 80% for the vibration insulator whose stiffness or damping was proportional to displacement or velocity to the second power. A reduction in valve housing vibration will lead to a reduction in slide-valve vibration, particularly in the resonant vibration range. As a result, the pressure fluctuations and the emitted noise (particularly in a low fre- quency range) will decrease and the precision of the motions of the hydraulic receiv- ers will increase. Vibration insulators in such applications should also satisfy other criteria, such as: resistance to changes in ambient temperature, resistance to hydrau- lic fluids, and small geometric dimensions. Therefore, besides having proper phys- icochemical properties, a vibration insulator should have a standardized design suit- able for typical connection plates for hydraulic valves. 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