學 院 : 湖南科技大學
專 業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化
學 號: 1103010117
姓 名: 符星珂
指導教師: 劉厚才
湖 南 科 技 大 學
2015年 5月 29 日
? 摘要
?? 調(diào)度絞車是一種全齒傳動機械。齒輪傳動系統(tǒng)又稱輪系。根據(jù)輪系傳動時各齒輪軸線在空間的相對位置是否固定,可分為定軸輪系和周轉(zhuǎn)輪系。定軸輪系又有外嚙合圓柱齒輪傳動和內(nèi)嚙合圓柱齒輪傳動之分,而周轉(zhuǎn)輪系又有差動傳動和行星傳動之分。調(diào)度絞車的傳動齒輪既有內(nèi)嚙合圓柱齒輪傳動,又有行星傳動,所以調(diào)度絞車又稱內(nèi)齒輪行星傳動絞車。
?? 下面以JD—3(即JD—40)型調(diào)度絞車為例介紹調(diào)度絞車的組成及傳動原理。
? (一)JD—3型調(diào)度絞車的組成
?? JD—3型調(diào)度絞車的主要組成部分為滾筒、制動裝置機座和電動機。?絞車滾筒由鑄鋼制成,其主要功能是纏繞鋼絲繩牽引負荷。滾筒內(nèi)和大內(nèi)齒輪下裝有減速齒輪。
?? 絞車上共裝有兩組帶式閘,即制動閘2,工作閘3。電動機一側(cè)的制動閘2用來制動滾筒,大內(nèi)齒輪上的工作閘3用于控制Z7組運轉(zhuǎn)。
?? 機座用鑄鐵制成,電動機軸承支架及閘帶定位板等均用螺栓固定在機座上。電動機為專用隔爆三相籠型電動機。
? (二)JD—3型調(diào)度絞車的傳動原理
? ? 該型絞車采用兩級內(nèi)嚙合傳動和一級行星輪傳動。Z1/Z2和Z3/Z4為兩級內(nèi)嚙合傳動,Z5、Z6、Z7組成行星傳動機構(gòu)。
? ? 在電動機5軸頭上安裝著加長套的齒輪Z1,通過內(nèi)齒輪Z2、齒輪Z3和內(nèi)齒輪Z4,把運動傳到齒輪Z5上,齒輪Z5是行星輪系的中央輪(或稱太陽輪),再帶動兩個行星齒輪Z6和大內(nèi)齒輪Z7。行星齒輪自由地裝在2根與帶動固定連接的軸上,大內(nèi)齒輪Z7齒圈外部裝有工作閘,用于控制絞車滾筒運轉(zhuǎn)。
?? 若將大內(nèi)齒輪Z7上的工作閘3閘住,而將滾筒上的制動閘2松開,此時電動機轉(zhuǎn)動由兩級內(nèi)嚙輪傳動到齒輪Z5、Z6和Z7。但由于Z7已被閘住,不能轉(zhuǎn)動,所以齒輪Z6只能一方面繞自己的軸線自轉(zhuǎn),同時還要繞齒輪Z5的軸線(滾筒中心線)公轉(zhuǎn)。從而帶動與其相連的帶動轉(zhuǎn)動,此時Z6的運行方式很類似太陽系中的行星(如地球)的運動方式,齒輪Z6又稱行星齒輪,其傳動方式稱為行星傳動。
?? 反之,若將大內(nèi)齒輪Z7上的工作閘3松開,而將滾筒上的制動閘2閘住,因Z6與滾筒直接相連,只作自轉(zhuǎn),沒有公轉(zhuǎn),從Z1到Z7的傳動系統(tǒng)變?yōu)槎ㄝS輪系,齒輪Z7做空轉(zhuǎn)。倒替松開(或閘?。┕ぷ鏖l3或制動閘2,即可使調(diào)度絞車在不停電動機的情況下實現(xiàn)運行和停車。當需要作反向提升時,必須重新按動啟動按鈕,使電機反向運轉(zhuǎn)。
?? 需要注意的是,當電動機啟動后,不準將工作閘和制動閘同時閘住,這樣會燒壞電動機或發(fā)生其他事故。
??? (1)檢查各部位螺栓、銷子、螺母、墊圈等,如有松動、脫落,應及時擰緊和補全。
??? (2)檢查信號裝置及電動機運行操作按鈕是否完好和有無失爆現(xiàn)象,信號發(fā)出是否清楚和明亮,否則應修理或更換。
??? (3)檢查滾筒有無損壞或破裂,鋼絲繩頭固定是否牢固,軸承有無漏油,鋼絲繩排列是否整齊,有問題應及時處理。
??? (4)檢查閘帶有無裂紋,磨損是否超限(應留有不少于3 mm厚度),拉桿螺栓、叉頭、閘把、銷軸等是否有損傷或變形,背緊螺母是否松動,有問題應調(diào)整和處理。
??? (5)檢查閘把及杠桿系統(tǒng)動作是否靈活,施閘后,閘把不得達到水平位置,應當比水平位置略有上翹。
??? (6)檢查固定絞車的頂柱和戧柱是否牢固,基礎螺栓或錨桿是否有松動,底座有無裂紋,有問題應及時處理。
??? (7)檢查電動機空載啟動是否正常,接地是否良好,啟動器等電氣設備是否符合防爆和完好要求。
??? (8)檢查軸承及電動機、開關、電纜、閘帶等是否溫度過高,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題應查明原因,采取措施進行處理。
??? (一)絞車滾筒產(chǎn)生異響的主要原因及處理方法
??? 1.絞車滾筒產(chǎn)生異響的主要原因
??? (1)滾筒筒殼螺栓松動。
??? (2)筒殼和支輪(法蘭盤)之間間隙過大。
??? (3)滾筒筒殼產(chǎn)生裂紋。
??? (4)焊接筒殼開焊。
??? (5)游動滾筒和襯套的固定螺釘松動,造成游動滾筒和襯套之間有相對滑動。
??? (6)襯套與主軸之間間隙磨損過大。
??? (7)蝸輪螺桿式離合器有松動。
??? 2.處理方法
??? 根據(jù)檢查情況,確定處理方法。如對松動的螺帽等,可在交接班停產(chǎn)時緊固;如果響聲不嚴重,可適當減輕絞車負載,注意觀察,維持到規(guī)定的停產(chǎn)檢修時進行修理;如果響聲嚴重,則應立即停車修理或更換,以免事故擴大。
??? (二)絞車滾筒上鋼絲繩排列不整齊的危害、原因及處理方法??? ,
??? 1.絞車滾筒上鋼絲繩排列不整齊的危害
??? (1)加快鋼絲繩磨損。鋼絲繩在滾筒上雜亂纏繞時,牽引受力繩經(jīng)常要在雜亂排繩中擠出來又壓進去,造成嚴重磨損,造成鋼絲繩直徑磨細和斷絲增多,縮短了鋼絲繩的使用壽命。
??? (2)造成鋼絲繩滑出滾筒外。鋼絲繩排列不整齊,必然產(chǎn)生堆擠現(xiàn)象,損壞護繩板,當堆擠高度超過滾筒邊緣高度時,鋼絲繩極易滑出滾筒外,輕者斷絲,重者斷繩跑車。
??? 2.絞車滾筒上鋼絲繩排列不整齊的主要原因
??? (1)絞車布置不當,即提升鋼絲繩偏角不符合規(guī)定要求。
??? (2)絞車天輪(導輪)缺油,不能隨鋼絲繩在滾筒上纏繞時左右滑動。
??? (3)絞車排繩裝置失效或已被拆除。
? (4)操作不當,纏繞不緊。
? ?3.處理方法
? 根據(jù)不同情況,對癥處理。屬安裝質(zhì)量和排繩裝置失效等情況的,要及時匯報請求派人處理,屬操作或維護不當?shù)?,要認真按照規(guī)定精心操作和維護;斜巷絞車尤其要注意清除途中障礙,防止在下放重物時鋼絲繩忽松忽緊。
??? (三)絞車減速器運轉(zhuǎn)中產(chǎn)生異響和振動的原因及處理方法
??? 1.減速器運轉(zhuǎn)中產(chǎn)生異響和振動的主要原因
??? (1)齒輪嚙合間隙過緊或過松。
??? (2)軸承間隙過大,一般表現(xiàn)為下放空載時響聲大,重載提升時響聲小。
??? (3)減速器或軸承螺栓松動。
??? (4)減速器內(nèi)掉人異物。
??? 2.處理方法
??? (1)調(diào)整齒輪嚙合間隙至適當位置,若磨損嚴重,則應更換齒輪。
??? (2)對松弛的軸承進行修理或更換。
??? (3)注意緊固松動的螺釘。
??? (4)若有異物掉進減速器內(nèi),應立即停運,排除故障。
??? (四)絞車制動閘發(fā)熱的原因及處理
??? 1.絞車制動閘發(fā)熱的原因
??? (1)用閘過早、過多、過猛。
??? (2)重物下放時經(jīng)常使用制動閘,絞車沒有電氣動力制動系
??? (3)閘瓦螺栓松動或閘瓦磨損過度,螺栓頭觸及閘輪(或閘盤)。
??? (4)閘瓦與閘輪(或閘盤)安裝不正確,接觸面積過小。
? First、 Scheduling and the structural characteristics of winch
scheduling winch is used to dispatch vehicles to assist traction and operating a winch. Commonly used in the mine tunnel in the haulage and supporting mine car handling、 can also be used in the mining face、 with scheduling space station、 heavy cars.
· ??Scheduling winch is full-gear transmission machinery. Gear also known as the round of the transmission system. According round of the transmission gear when the axis of space in the relative position is fixed、 can be divided into fixed and working capital of the axis round of the round. Another round of the axis of cylindrical mesh gear transmission and the cylindrical mesh gear transmission of points、 and turnover of another round of transmission and differential planetary transmission of the points. Scheduling the winch within the existing transmission gear meshing cylindrical Gear、 another planetary transmission、 scheduling winch planetary transmission gear、 also known as the winch.
???Scheduling winch models commonly used mainly JD-0.4 (JD-4.5)、 JD-1 (JD) -11.4)、 JD-1. (JD-22)、 JD-2 (JD-25)、 JD-3 (JD - 40).
???Below the JD-3 (that is、 JD-40) as an example of scheduling winch on the composition and scheduling transmission principle.
?(A) JD-3-scheduling of the winch
???JD-3-scheduling the main component of the winch drum for、 brakes and motor frame. From the winch drum made of cast steel、 its main function is winding rope traction load. Drum、 and the slowdown in gear with the gear.
???Winch on the two groups with a total installed-gate that is Brake 2、the gateway 3. Motor side of the gate 2 to brake drum brakes、 the gear in the work of three gates used to control Z7 group functioning.
?? Use made of cast iron frame、 the motor bearings and gates with stent-positioning are fixed with bolts in the plane seat. For Flameproof for the thee-phase motor .
?(B) JD-3-Dispatch winch the drive principle
??this type of winch used two Internal Drives and a planetary gear transmission. Z1/Z2 and Z3/Z4 for two Internal Drive、 Z5、 Z6、 Z7 composition of planetary transmission mechanism.
?? Motor head in the installation of a 5-axis extended sets of gear Z1、 through the gears Z2、 with gear Z3 and Z4、 the movement spread to gear Z5、 the Z5 is the planetary gear wheel of a central round (or round of the Sun) And then led the two planetary gear Z6、 and the gear Z7. Planetary gear freely installed in the two driven and connected to a fixed axis、 the largest in the gear Z7 Gear work with the external gateway、 used to control winch drum operation.
?? If the big gear Z7 gate on the work of three gates to live、 and will be on the brake drum gates 2 release、 this time by two motor rotation within the rodents to gear wheel drive Z5、 Z6 and Z7. However、 due to Z7 gate has been living and can not rotate、 so gear Z6 only on the one hand around its own axis of rotation、 but also around the axis of gear Z5 (drum center) to the public. Thus connected with the rotation of the lead、 then Z6 the operation mode very similar to the planets in the solar system (such as Earth) movement、 also known as the planetary gear Z6、 its transmission mode known as the planetary transmission.
??? Conversely、 if the gear Z7 in the work release gate 3、 and will brake drum on the live gate 2、 the Z6 directly connected with the drum、 only for the rotation、 not revolution、 the Z1 from the transmission system changed to Z7 For the fixed axis of the round、 gear Z7 to go short. Inverted for the release (or live gate) gate work Brake 2 or 3、 you can make scheduling winch in the case of non-stop motor to achieve operating and parking. When the need to reverse upgrade、 must be re-activated the launch button、 reverse the motor running.
?? It should be noted that、 when the motor is turned on、 the gate and not allowed to work Brake live gate at the same time、 it will burn motor or other accidents.
Second、 scheduling winch day-to-day maintenance check the contents of
???(1) check each part of bolts、 pin、 nuts、 washers、 etc.、 if loose、 loss should be tightened and timely complement.
???(2) to check installations and electrical signal Operation button is intact and whether stolen explosive phenomenon、 whether the signal sent clear and bright、 it should be repaired or replaced.
??(3) to check whether damaged or broken drum、 the first wire rope is firmly fixed、 bearing oil spill there、 the rope is neatly arranged、 the problems should be promptly dealt with.
??(4) inspection gate with a crack-free、 wear-gauge whether or not (should have a thickness of not less than 3 mm)、 the tension bar bolts、 fork first、 the gate、 such as whether there is a pin deformation or injury、 whether the loose nuts back tight、 Problems should be adjusted and dealt with.
??(5) Check the gate and lever action is a flexible system、 Shi gate、 the ate may not reach the level position、 it should be slightly Sangria than the horizontal position.
??(6) to check the roof fixed winch-and-beam is solid、 based on whether there is a bolt or bolts loose、 whether crack base、 the issue should be dealt with promptly.
??(7) To check whether the normal start motor idling、 whether good grounding to start with、 and so whether the explosion-proof electrical equipment and good demand.
(8) Check bearings and motors、 switches、 cables、 such as whether the gate with the temperature too high、 the problem should be found to identify the reasons for、 to take measures to deal with.
(9) Often wipe winch to remove dust and debris、 and maintain the environment clean and tidy. Winch the safe operation、 inspection and maintenance
Third、 winch common faults and deal with
???? (A) a winch drum abnormal sound and the main approach
???? 1. Winch drum produce abnormal sound the main reason
???? (1) drum cartridge case bolts loose.
???? (2) Shell and tube-round (flange) gap between too large.
???? (3) Drum cylinder shell cracks.
???? (4) Welding a cylinder shell welding.
???? (5) Walks drum and hub of the fixed screw loose、 causing swimming drum and hub between the relative sliding.
???? (6) Gap between the hub and spindle wear too large.
???? (7) A clutch worm screw loose.
??2. Approach
???? According to the inspection to determine treatment. If the loosening of the nut、 in Jiao Ban shutdown when fastening If noise is not serious、 may be appropriate to reduce winch load、 pay attention to observe、 to maintain the provisions of the maintenance shutdown at the repair if the beep serious、 they should immediately Parking repaired or replaced、 so as to avoid accidents expand.
????(B) On the rope winch drum with Bu Shangri hazards、 causes and treatment methods、
??1. Winch drum on the rope with the harm Bu Shangri
???(1) speed up the rope wear. Rope in the mess on the winding drum、 traction force to justice often ranked in the mess in the rope and pressure to get out、 causing serious wear、 resulting in diameter steel wire rope and wire break more ground and shorten the life of the rope.
??(2) Of wire rope slid off the drum. Rope with Bu Shangri、 an inevitable phenomenon of a crowded heap for damage to justice board、 when the reactor crowded the edge of more than high rollers、 the rope easily slid off the drum、 light、 broken wires、 heavy sports car、 and broken rope.
??2. Winch drum on the main rope with Bu Shangri
???(1) winch layout properly that is hoisting cable angle non-compliance requirements.
???(2) Winch Titanium (Preliminary round) Quemoy not with the rope on the winding drum at about sliding.
???(3) Ranked rope winch device failure or have been removed.
?? (4) Improper operation the wound is not tight.
??3. Approach
? According to different situations symptomatic treatment. The installation of quality and exclusive rope devices such as the failure to timely report on the request sent treatment、 operation or maintenance of an improper、 we should conscientiously in accordance with the provisions of meticulous operation and maintenance; Inclined Drift winch paying particular attention to removing obstacles on their way to prevent the re-delegate Of Mandrel、 tight-rope Mandrel.
???? (C) Winch reducer operation abnormal sound and vibration generated in the causes and treatment
???? 1. Reducer functioning of abnormal sound and vibration generated in the main
???? (1) gears meshing space tight or too loose.
???? (2) Bearing gap is too large、 the general performance of the decentralization empty at the beep、 beep when upgrading heavy small.
???? (3) Or bearing reducer bolts loose.
???? (4) Reducer in the swap was foreign bodies.
???? 2. Approach
???? (1) adjusting the gears meshing gap to a suitable position、 if the wear and gear should be replaced.
???? (2) Relaxation of the repair or replacement of bearings.
???? (3) Pay attention to tighten loose screws.
???? (4) If it has fallen into foreign body reducer、 should be immediately suspended、 and troubleshooting.
???? (D) Winch brake gate of the reasons for and treatment of fever
???? 1. Brake winch for fever
???? (1) a gate too early、 too excessive.
???? (2) Weights are often delegated to use Brake、 no electrical power winch braking system
EC、 single-drum winch often such a situation.
???? (3) Brake shoe loose bolts or excessive brake wear、 the bolt hit the first round of gate (or gateway disc).
???? (4) Brake shoe and the gateway round (or gateway disk) was not installed correctly; the contact area is too small.
???? (5) Gate Ferry (or gateway disc) swing more.
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