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1、跨文化交際課程期末考試復(fù)習(xí)資料 I. Give a brief definitions of the following terms(名詞解釋) 1. Non-verbal communication It refers to com muni cati on through a whole variety of differe nt types f sig nal come into play, in clud ing the way we more, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expressi o

2、n we wear, the direct ion of our gaze, to the exte nt to which we touch and the dista nee we sta nd from each other. 2. privacy privacy: It could be un derstood as the right of an in dividual to self-determ in ati on as to the degree to which the in dividual is willi ng to share with others in for

3、matio n about himself that may be compromised by un authorized excha nge of such in formatio n among other in dividuals or orga ni zati ons. 3. slang Words and expressi ons which are regarded as very in formal and so are not con sidered suitable for formal social situati ons or serious writi ng.

4、4. collectivist culture Collectivist cultures place little value on in dividual ide ntity and great value on group ide ntity. They have bee n labeled as s bwauseubaEec unit is the in-group or collective. 5. culture shock culture shock: It is a psychological phe nomenon that is experie need most

5、ofte n by those who, whether volun tarily or in vol un tarily, in the process of adjust ing themselves to a new culture. 6. proverb Proverbs are those popular short say ings containing words of advice or warni—are an importa nt part of the Ian guage and culture of a society. 7. intercultural comm

6、unication. & Individual Culture In dividuals tend to defi ne themselves by the exte nt to which they are differe nt from, rather tha n similar to other. People are en couraged to display self-c on fide nee and assertive ness, disclosure of pers onal thoughts and feeli ngs. 9. Culture Culture

7、 means: (a) The arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or n ati on. (b) .The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that con stitute a people's way of life. 10. Proxemics Proxemics refers to the study of spatial relati ons. The study of proxemics in cludes t

8、hree aspects of space: (a) fixed features of space. (b) semifixed features of space, and (c) pers onal space 11. Norms Norms refer to rules for appropriate behavior, which provide the expectatio ns people have of one ano ther and of others. Norms are the outward mani festati ons of beliefs and va

9、lues. 12. Individualism In dividualism refers to the doctri ne that the in terests of the in dividual are or ought to be param ount, and that all values, right, and duties orig in ate in in dividuals. It emphasizes in dividual in itiative, in depe ndence in dividual expressi on, and eve n privacy.

10、 13. Parala nguage The set of nonphon emic properties of speech, such as speak ing tempo, vocal pitch, and inton ati onal con tours, that can be used to com muni cate attitudes or other shades of meaning. 14. Low-context culture Cultures in which little of the meaning is determ ined by the messa

11、ge is en coded in the explicit code are labeled low-c on text. II. Answer the following questions(簡(jiǎn)答題) 1. Give some basic rules of boys or girls interaction 2. Describe the differe nt ways in show ing hospitality betwee n Chin ese culture and western culture Chin ese guests always refuse offer o

12、f drinks or food to dem on strate polite ness in seem ing not to wish to put their host to any trouble.Sometimes an offer is not a real offer but a polite remark. After we say 'no', we usually wait for the sec ond and third offer. If the host just brings the food or drink and ignores 'no

13、', we ill accept it. Chin ese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. While westerners always accept or refuse offer of drinks or food very genuinely.Their refusal is accepted as genuin e.Wester ners d6nt to press. To press people to have food or drink after they ha

14、ve refused is frow ned upon and can cause embarrassme nts. 3. What are the differe nces on recei ving gifts betwee n Chin ese and westerner? In the West, it is regarded as polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express appreciati on. In Chi na, the situatio n is quite the reverse. Norma

15、lly we Chin ese feel that if you ope n the gift as soon as it is give n, you might embarrass the pers on who gives the gift and you might be thought greedy. Therefore, Chin ese people tend to ope n the gifts after the visitors have left. In China, many people send gifts without wrapp ing them, and

16、if they wrap them, they usually tell the receiver what is in side, and the receiver will tha nk the sen der and put the gift aside without un wrapp ing them since they already know what is in side. En glish receivers ope n the gifts in front of the sen ders of the gifts. 4. Expla in the term “hterc

17、ultural com muni cati on compete ncd' and its three comp onen ts. The in tercultural compete nee refers to the ability to un dersta nd and adapt the target culture. In tercultural com muni cative compete nee invo Ives cog nitive, affective and operatio nal aspects, which are in separable in rea

18、lity. The in terrelated ness of cognitive, affective, and operational components is very important in the improveme nt of the commun icator?s in tercultural com muni cati on compete nee. There are also three aspects in terms of affective components: adaptation motivation, Ide ntity flexibility and e

19、sthetic co-orie ntati on, The cog nitive aspects of in tercultural com muni cati on compete nee are the men tal capacities of comprehe nsion and ability to understand the meanings of various verbal and nonverbal codes. Operational components are that Individuals? capacity to express cognitive and af

20、fective experie nces outwardly is show n through specific behaviors. 1. The obstacles of study ing In tercultural com muni cati on 2. Why do many Chin ese people tend to ask about age, martial status, and eve n salary whe n first meet ing one ano ther? To them, these are ope n conv ersati on abpi

21、cs. Knowing a pers on?s age helps them use appropriate terms of address. And Chin ese people pay a lot of atte nti on to family life, so n aturally talk of family members features as a com mon topic. As to salary, since there is a n ati onal system of salaries, people usually don?t con sider it a se

22、cret and they talk about it ope nly. 3 . An alyze the cultural variatio ns in select ing n egotiators in America and Japa n 4. What would you do if a stra nger pronoun ced your n ame in correctly? 5. What are the five basic themes in in dividualist culture? 1) There is a tendency for foreigners

23、to treat strangers as equals, seen in the polite ness with which foreig ners treat out-group members and their willi ngn ess to follow public rules and laws that guara ntee the rights of all. 2) There is a desire for in depe ndence and separate ness, found in foreig ners' n eeds for their own pr

24、ivacy and aut onomy and in the freedom they give to childre n. 3) There is a lack of in hibiti on on the part of foreig ners in terms of expressive behaviors, see n in their lack of concern about drawing attention to themselves and their willingness to disclose feelings and emoti ons. 4) There is a

25、lack of un dersta nding if the reciprocal bonds and duties that regulate in-group members, found in foreig ners' casual attitudes towards hospitality. 5) There is a lack of concern at public displays of physical or sexual in timacy. 6. An alyze the characteristics in Masculi ne com muni cati on

26、 culture 7. What are the differe nces betwee n Chin ese and En glish Kin Terms? In Chin ese culture, people refer to people strictly accordi ng to the kin terms. It is completely un acceptable to refer to on e's pare nts by using the n ames. When childre n address relatives, Chin ese kin terms

27、 tell whether they are older or youn ger tha n their father or mother. Chin ese kin terms tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side and whether on e's brother, sister or cous in is older or youn ger tha n he/she. Chin ese kin terms are also to other people who are

28、not on e's relatives; kin terms are widely used to address known or unknown people While in English culture, in some families in Western countries, some children address their pare nts directly by their first n ames. In Brita in, childre n are expected to address the pare nts' brother and s

29、isters with the title of Un cle or Aunt plus their n ames and sometimes simply address them by first n ame without a title. En glish kin terms don' t tell whether the relatives are from the mother' or father's side ,and there are not disti net kin terms for elder brother or youn ger brot

30、her. Kin terms are not as freque ntly used as in Chin ese. In all kinds of social situati ons, either formally or in formally, people won't use kin terms to address each other if they are not relatives. 8. State six prin ciples for effective cross-ge nder com muni cati on. 9. What is the sig n

31、i fica nee of Nonv erbal Com mun icatio n? Non verbal behavior is a sig nifica nt area of com muni cati on study for at least three reas ons. Non verbal behavior acco unts for much of the meaning we get from conv ersati ons. Non verbal behavior spontan eously reflects the subc on scious ness. We

32、cannot avoid com muni cat ing through nonv erbal sig nals. Besides, non verbal behavior is sig nifica nt because nonv erbal com muni catio n can be ope n to many in terpretatio ns. 10. Describe the U.S. cultural patter ns with the five value orie ntati on categories. People in the Un ited States

33、gen erally believe in a supreme God or uni versal spirit and believe that they can control nature. They have a lot of faith in scienee and tech no logy and are materialistic. They get a sense of ide ntity from work and gen erally separate work from play. People, in the Un ited States are efficie nt,

34、 practical, and see progress and cha nge as a good thing. They place a high value on time and have a future time orie ntati on, although they ofte n divide it into short-term goals. People in the Un ited States do not agree about whether huma ns are n aturally good, bad, or a mixture of both. Howev

35、er, two beliefs related to huma n n ature ——rati on ality and mutability--- are still believed by many in the United States. One of the most fun dame ntal beliefs of people is in dividualism. Associated with this belief are the ideas of self-motivatio n, competitio n, and resp on sibility for one?s

36、own actions. People in the Un ited States also have an un shakable belief in equality. They do not believe that every one is the same, but they do believe that every one does or should have the same opport un ities as every one else. Last, people in the Un ited States are con formist— it is importa

37、nt to stay in touch with the latest fashi on in hair, clothi ng, and so forth. 11. What does "gildi ng the lily" mea n? 12. What are the com muni cati on differe nces betwee n high-a nd low-c on text cultures? 13. What are the social fun cti ons of complime nts 14. List some study area

38、 in nonv erbal com muni cati on. 15. What would you do if some one asks you a questi on that you feel too pers on al? 16. Expla in high-c on text culture and low-c on text culture. Cultures in which little of the meaning is determ ined by the message is en coded in the explicit code are labeled l

39、ow-c on text. Cultures in which less has to be said or writte n because more of the meaning is in the physical en vir onment or already shared by people are labeled high con text . 17. Explain the definition of “ollectivist culture ” a. Collectivist cultures place little value on in dividual ide n

40、tity and great value on group identity. They have been labeled as “ we” cultures because basic unit is the in-group or collective. b. kindn ess to visitors: frien dly, welco ming, and gen erous treatme nt offered to guests or stra ngers c. Individualism is the moral stanee, political philosophy,

41、ideology, or social outlook that stresses "the moral worth of the in dividual" . I ndividualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and so independence and self-relianee while oppos ing most exter nal in terfere nee upon on e's own in terests, whether by society, or an

42、y other group or institution. 18. How do people from differe nt cultures un dersta nd §ile nee"? The use of sile nce in com muni cati on is differe nt from culture to culture. Sile nce can com muni cate agreeme nt, apathy, awe, con fusi on, con templati on, disagreeme nt, embarrassme nt,

43、 obligati on, regret, repressed hostility, respect, sad ness, thoughtf uln ess, or any nu mber of meanin gs. In easter n cultures, sile nce has long bee n regarded as a virtue. While in wester n cultures, sile nce has gen erally bee n con sidered socially disagreeable. To most people in the United S

44、tates, silence means lack of attention and lack of initiative. To the Chinese, silence means agreement. 19. An alyze the characteristics in Femi nine com muni cati on culture 20. Why do we n eed to study in tercultural com muni cati on? (1) . Tech no logical developme nt The developme nt of new

45、tran sportatio n and in formatio n tech no logies has connected all nations in ways that were possible before this century only in the imagi nati on. (2) . Widespread populati on Migrati ons (3) . The cha nges in the intern atio nal bus in ess com mun ity have compelled China to reexam ine her bus

46、 in ess. (4) . Developme nt of Multiculturalism. Cultural diversity or multiculturalism will become the norm; not the excepti on. The public must ack no wledge and adjust to differe nce but build on common ality. 21. What are the characteristics in naming Chinese Given Names? There have existed d

47、ifferences in naming given names to male and female throughout the Chinese history. If we get down to the classifications of the Given Names accord ing to the differe nt sexes,it is not difficult to see that the differe nces may lie in two categories, that is, in meanings and forms. Traditionally, m

48、ale given n ames usually suggest steel and great stre ngth, show ing great concerns about the fate and future of the nation, while female given names impress people on their beauty, elegance, fragrance, loveliness, and gentleness.Shown in the following are the ten classificatio ns of both the sexes

49、show ing differe nt characteristics in give n n ames 22. State two typical situati ons to send flowers in bus in ess and social situati ons There are two typical situatio ns in which flowers can be useful to bus in esspeople. One is to help establish a good relationship with a secretary.The other

50、is when an executive is in vited to some on e's house. It is still more customary - all over the world -to give flowers to wome n rather tha n men, who in most cultures on ly receive flowers whe n ill. Here are some flower-givi ng guideli nes which should keep you from falli ng foul of local tab

51、oos. Part III Case Analysis (You are required to state cultural phenomenon in each case)(3*2') Case 1 Xiao LI and Xiao Wang were colleagues. Xiao LI gave a lot of help to Xiao Wang financially and socially. Recently Xiao LI would get married. But he forgot in vit ing Xiao Wang atte nd his wed

52、d ing. Later Xiao Wang got in formati on about Xiao LI ?weddi ng and sent RMB 500 Yua n to Xiao LI. Questio n: What cultural phe nomenon can be reflected? Why? In Chin ese culture in flue need by Con fucia ni sm, if some one does a favor for you, you should return the favor to them. This is very c

53、om mon for Chin ese people.」n the philosophy of Con fucia nism Reciprocity are the base of relati on ships. Gratitude and in debted ness are importa nt parts of Chin ese culture. If a pers on feels un easy to be in debted of some one, payback is n ecessary to achieve bala nee in the relationshi Cas

54、e 2 An En glish guest: Each time a new dish arrived his pare nts would lea n over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had take n all the trouble to cook it I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bo und to eat that too. A

55、Chin ese guest: Can you imag ine how many dishes I had? Only one -- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was over done and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no Ion ger gree n. They n ever put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, wait

56、ing for the food to be put on your plate, you will remai n half-starved. Questi on: Are there any differe nces in hospitality betwee n a Chin ese and En glish? What are the reas ons? Yes. The Chin ese stude nt felt disappo in ted at British hospitality because she used the Chin ese way of show ing

57、 hospitality to judge the British on e. I n the story tak ing place in China, the wester ner could n't imag ine that there should be sixtee n dishes prepared for her. Whe n she ate from the eight cold dishes, she could n't eat anym ore. It is because a Western meal n ormally severs one ma in

58、 course plus a starter and sweets or desserts. The fact is that different people in the world show their different hospitality in differe nt ways. Case 3 Li Lan had an America n friend Susa n. They usually had lunch together and Li Lan ofte n asked Susa n for advice on problems she faced adjusti

59、ng to America n society. Susa n gave Li Lan a lot of advice and helped her to improve her En glish. Once Li Lan n eeded urge ntly a big sum of money to pay her tuiti on fee. Since she has no other friends in the States, she tur ned to Susa n for help and promised that she would return the money soon

60、. To Li Lan?s great disappo in tme nt, this time Susa n did n?t seem happy to lend the money to her. Though Li Lan returned the money as she promised, they didn?t get along well from the n on. Questi on: Why did Li Lan feel un pleasa nt? Li Lan asked to borrow money from her America n frie nd Sus

61、a n, which is rarely part of Western friendship. Li Lan and Susan have different expectations of frien dship. In the West, people prefer to be in depe ndent and equal rather tha n depe ndent, so they don't feel comfortable in a relati on ship in which one pers on gives more and the other person

62、 is dependent on what is given. Among friends they mostly provide emoti onal support to each other and spe nd time together, so they rarely borrow or lend money to each other. They would ask for a loa n from the bank rather tha n from their frien ds. While in China, people expect their friends to b

63、e loyal to each other, and they eve n take risks for their frien ds. So they would give not only emoti onal support to each other but also con crete help to each other, such as help ing to find a job, sol ving a problem, or eve n giving money to help one out over a long period of time. So whe n a fr

64、iend is in n eed, the first pers on he or she wants to ask for help is n aturally his/her friend. Case 4 In 1997, a Dan ish woma n from Cope nhage n left her 14-mo nth-old baby girl in a stroller outside a Man hatta n restaura nt while she was in side. Other diners at the restaura nt became concer

65、ned and called New York City Police. The woma n was charged with endan geri ng a child and was jailed for two ni ghts. Her child was placed in foster care. The woma n and the Dan ish con sulate expla ined that leav ing childre n un atte nded outside cafes is com mon in Denm ark. Pictures were wired

66、to the police show ing nu merous strollers parked outside cafes while pare nts were eat ing in side. Questio n: What cultural phe nomenon can be reflected? This case reflects one of the barriers to the effective in tercultural communication----assu ming similarity in stead of differe nee. In Ameri

67、ca n culture, it is illegal for pare nts to leave their baby alone. Whereas it is com mon place for pare nts to leave their baby alone in Danish culture.The Danish woma n had assumed that Copenhagen is similar to New York, that what is commonly done in Copenhagen is also com mon ly done in New York. Case 5 Describ ing the differe

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