1、 密 級 分類號 編 號 成 績 本科生畢業(yè)設計 (論文) 外文翻譯 原 文 標 題 Analysis and development of car blocking technologyblocking technology blocking technology 譯 文 標 題 阻車技術的分析與發(fā)展 作者所在系別 機電工程學院 作者所在專業(yè) 車輛工程 作者所在班級 B13141 作 者 姓 名 曾文勇 作 者 學 號 201322419 指導教師姓名 孟立新 指導教師職稱 副教授
2、 完 成 時 間 2017 年 3 月 北華航天工業(yè)學院教務處制 譯文標題 阻車技術的發(fā)展 原文標題 Analysis and development of car blocking technology 作 者 Aries Michael 譯 名 亞力士邁克爾 國 籍 英國 原文出處 ScienceDirect 現(xiàn)時警方在追捕逃逸車時設卡堵截常用的手段是設置路障、布置阻車釘,然而攔截效果并不是十分理想。隨著科學技術的不斷發(fā)展,汽車安全技術尤其是輪胎安全技術發(fā)展也比較迅速,市場應用逐步擴大。因此,研究新的阻車迫停技術對于提高
3、處置突發(fā)事件的成功率具有重要的現(xiàn)實意義,對于提高抓捕嫌疑犯也具有不可小覷的作用。 1.現(xiàn)有阻車裝備技術分析 (1)八九式阻車釘 八九式阻車釘是常使用的主要阻車器材。該阻車釘是一種利用針刺排氣的方法攔截或阻止各種充氣輪胎的機動車輛強行通過的制式器材。它可以在各種預定路面上,使大小貨車、各種小汽車、摩托車等無法通行或中止行駛,是執(zhí)行任務中封鎖路口,緝拿罪犯、營救人質(zhì)的較為實用器材。 (2)便攜式路障破胎器 便攜路障破胎器也是利用針刺排氣法破壞輪胎實現(xiàn)阻車的。它與八九式阻車釘?shù)牟煌饕? 于聯(lián)系帶的不同,它的聯(lián)系帶是由若干相互交錯的鋁合金條組成。鋁條由可動鉸鏈連接,組成可伸
4、縮的棱形。阻車釘?shù)慕Y構與八九式阻車釘基本相同。該破胎器的改進之處在于其收放較為方便。使用時將該破胎器放置并固定在路邊,打開箱蓋,直接拉出阻車釘,在預定路面上展開,并將其固定在路的另一邊。收放按相反順序進行。 (3)遙控阻車釘 遙控阻車釘一般由遙控器、阻車釘箱兩部分組成,其種類多樣,使用相對比較方便。實現(xiàn)了自動布設、撤收以及車釘?shù)淖詣涌刂?。其原理也是利用針刺排氣法。以上介紹的阻車器(路障破胎器)在阻車技術原理上是一致的,即針刺排氣法:在車輛通過阻車帶時,阻車釘在車輛自身重力的作用下迅速刺入輪胎,輪胎內(nèi)的高壓氣體通過放氣槽向外排放。同時,隨著車輛的運動慣性及橡膠輪胎本身所具有的彈性壓力,將阻車
5、釘從阻車帶底座中拔出而隨車胎帶走,并繼續(xù)發(fā)揮排氣作用,直至排完為止,從而迫使車輛停止行駛。上述針對輪胎的方法有著固有缺陷,比如在使用中發(fā)現(xiàn),被阻車輛仍能滑行 50m 左右才能停下,且容易引起翻車等事故,不利于執(zhí)行任務。 (4)阻車網(wǎng) 纏軸阻車網(wǎng),包括由特殊材料做成的拉繩編織而成的網(wǎng)體、固定于網(wǎng)體上的刺胎釘。拉繩的相交處構成節(jié)點,刺胎釘固定于至少一個節(jié)點處的網(wǎng)體上。按照這種布置方式可以將多個刺胎釘布置在同一個網(wǎng)體上,當機動車輛的輪胎與纏軸阻車網(wǎng)接觸時,其刺胎釘刺破機動車輛輪胎的效率大大增加;纏軸阻車網(wǎng)還能順著輪胎纏入機動車輛的輪軸上,導致機動車輛的輪子無法轉(zhuǎn)動,迫使車輛停下來。 和纏軸阻車
6、網(wǎng)原理類似,X-net(X 網(wǎng))是一種具有強烈粘性的阻攔網(wǎng),將車輛的行駛系統(tǒng)纏繞,迫使車輛停止。該產(chǎn)品重量輕,使用方便,但缺點是不能重復使用,因此使用成本很高。(5)剛性攔截系統(tǒng)(剛性攔截路障) 這些類型的剛性攔截系統(tǒng)大多以液壓油缸驅(qū)動剛性攔截板升起進行攔截,控制方式有手動、遙控等。這種攔截方式能對非法入侵車輛實施有效攔截。國外已經(jīng)有多家公司生這種產(chǎn)品其中美國 secureUSA.inc 等公司,以色列 Ta’amal Mizra 公司最為著名。盡管剛性攔截裝置可以有效的對車輛實施攔截但是剛性攔截系統(tǒng)也有缺點,主要是: ①對車輛和乘員有可能產(chǎn)生致命性傷害,對生命財產(chǎn)安全沒有保障; ②攔截
7、系統(tǒng)基本上不可重復使用,使用成本較高; ③由于結構限制,不能實施雙向攔截,逆向車輛可借助坡度強行通過; ④對布防地形要求很高,由于攔截裝置是剛性的,在布防時要求安裝地面非常平整,否則會造成攔截系統(tǒng)結構變形,影響正常工作。采用箱型地下安裝方式時,施工的難度很大; ⑤布防寬度調(diào)整困難,采用剛性攔截裝置,其攔截寬度幾乎不可以調(diào)整,因此整個攔截系統(tǒng)很難標準化,增加了制造和部署成本。 3. 新研究的阻車迫停技術 最近幾年出現(xiàn)的新阻車迫停技術主要有以下幾種。 (1)微波阻車美國陸軍早在1997年提出用微波致殘車輛電子系統(tǒng)的概念,并進行了試驗,但是沒有解決小型化輕型化的問題。隨著技術進步,美國尤
8、里卡航空 技術公司研究出一種小型車載微波遠距離汽車攔截系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)主要由電源、振蕩器和天線組成,重 100kg,微波頻率在 350MHz 到 1350MHz 之間,攔 截距離可達 50m。該系統(tǒng)以汽車發(fā)電機輸出的直流電作為電源,峰值輸出功率為 2GW,產(chǎn)生持續(xù) 50ns 的能量脈沖束,能量輸出可達 100J,這些脈沖經(jīng)發(fā)生器可放大至 640KV,然后用由一對耦合傳輸線和一些火花間隙開關構成的振蕩器將放大的直流電轉(zhuǎn)換成微波,最后由一個特別設計的天線將微波能量波束指向行駛的逃逸車輛,微波能量會擾亂或破壞逃逸車輛的電子系統(tǒng),尤其是負責汽車點火控 制、噴油器、燃油泵控制等重要引擎功能的電子控制單
9、元(ECU),讓其出現(xiàn)短路,從而使發(fā)動機不熄火。 由于近10多年生產(chǎn)的汽車發(fā)動機都由集成電 路控制,所以這種無線遙控裝置對大部分汽車都起作用。目前,美國警察正在考慮在所有警車上配備這種裝置。該系統(tǒng)能全天候運行,完全不受天氣情況的影響,也不會對人體產(chǎn)生任何副作用。尤里卡航空技術公司正致力于完善該攔截系統(tǒng),使之更加小巧,以便安放在警車、海岸巡邏艇或直升機里。 (2)化學劑阻車 目前研發(fā)中的化學阻車劑主要是發(fā)動機熄火劑、超滑劑、超級腐蝕劑、超粘劑幾種。發(fā)動機熄火劑。通過進氣口進入發(fā)動機和汽油(柴油)發(fā)生反應,使之固化,減緩燃燒速度或者不燃燒,使機動車輛動力不足而停止。用熄火劑制成的武
10、器主要是阻燃彈和爆燃彈。 阻燃彈。阻燃彈體內(nèi)裝某種窒息性氣體,或是某種能在空氣中迅速膨脹成泡沫的化學物質(zhì)。 射中目標后,或是產(chǎn)生使發(fā)動機“窒息”的氣體,或是在發(fā)動機附近生成大量泡沫,使氣缸活塞運動受阻,導致發(fā)動機“喘振”,致使發(fā)動機熄火,而對人員的生命并不構成危險,只是再不能執(zhí)行 戰(zhàn)斗使命。 爆燃彈。它是一種能使車輛發(fā)動機“心力衰竭”、不能做功的非致命性彈藥。新研制、開發(fā)的爆燃彈的典型是乙炔彈。乙炔彈的彈體分為兩部分一部分裝水;另一部分裝二碳化鈣。彈體射向車輛后爆炸,水與二碳化鈣迅速作用產(chǎn)生大量乙炔并與空氣混合,組成爆炸性混合物。這樣的混合物被車輛發(fā)動機吸入氣缸后,在高壓點火下形成大規(guī)模爆燃
11、或爆轟,從而使發(fā)動機破壞、熄 火,車輛拋錨。 超級潤滑劑。一些物質(zhì)如聚四氟乙烯及其衍生物,噴灑在瀝青、混凝土、草等路面上使得路面幾乎沒有摩擦系數(shù),猶如在冰上一樣。軍事上,可通過飛機、導彈、炮彈、炸彈等載體施放到機場、鐵路、公路上,使敵方的飛機、火車、汽車 由于跑道、鐵軌和路面太滑而無法起降、行駛,人員行動困難,從而有效地阻止敵方行動,為己方行動贏得時間,掌握戰(zhàn)場主動權。可以借用這種原理,警方可以用來封鎖公路、橋梁,使道路上的汽車無法行駛,達到阻車的目的。超級腐蝕劑。針對橡膠制品,腐蝕性比氫氟酸還要強,造成輪胎、鞋底變質(zhì),可以使汽車輪胎迅速報廢,使車輛無法行駛。超粘劑主要借助其粘性制劑(
12、或泡沫)的粘連、阻滯作用,達到限制車輛運動的目的。超粘性聚合劑可以由飛機和航空彈等施放,它像霧一樣,能夠堵塞飛機發(fā)動機、發(fā)電廠冷卻系統(tǒng)、通訊裝備和設施,也可 用于對付人員,將人粘到所觸摸的任何物品上。 (3)干擾視線阻車 駕駛員在駕駛車輛行駛時,清晰的視野是對路面及車外情況的了解的保證,駕駛員的視野很大程度上被擋風玻璃的大小所局限,在擋風玻璃被遮擋后,駕駛員的視野極度縮小,失去對路況的判斷,也就無法再繼續(xù)行駛。由此,利用一些化學物質(zhì)具有粘性而又能迅速在玻璃上擴散的特性,將其發(fā)射到恐怖分子所駕汽車前面的擋風玻璃上,阻擋其行進視野,利用遮蔽視線來達到阻止車輛行駛目的。這種方法原理比較新穎,但
13、是具體實施有一定的困難還需要克服。也可以考慮使用目前裝備的非致命武器干擾駕駛員視線來實現(xiàn)阻車,比如利用激光眩目器可以使其眩暈,無法駕駛,具有較好的效果。 At present, the police are setting up road blocks and arranging car stops in pursuit of escape vehicles., however, the interception effect is not very satisfactory. With the deve
14、lopment of science and technology, the development of automobile safety technology, especially tire safety technology is more rapid, the market application is gradually expanding. Therefore, the study of the new car stopping technology has important practical significance to improve the success rate
15、 of handling emergencies, and it has an important role to improve the capture of the suspect.? 1. technical analysis of existing car block equipment ( 1 ) eight - type car stopping The eight - nine - type car arrester is the main vehicle which is often used. The car - stop nail is a kind of stand
16、ard equipment to intercept or stop the motor vehicles of various pneumatic tyres by means of acupuncture and exhaust. It can be used in a variety of predetermined road, the size of goods vehicles, various cars, motorcycles, such as the lack of access or suspension, is the implementation of the task
17、of blocking crossings, to capture criminals, rescue hostages more practical equipment.? ( 2 ) portable road block potaiqi The portable barrier potaiqi is also the use of acupuncture exhaust method to destroy the tires to achieve the car. It is different from the eight - and - nine - type car arres
18、ter Different from the contact zone, its contact zone is made up of a number of interlocking aluminum strips. The aluminum bar is connected by a movable hinge and constitutes a telescopic shape. The structure of the car stop nail is basically the same as that of the eight. The improvement of the po
19、taiqi is that it is convenient and convenient. When used, place the potaiqi and secure it on the side of the road, open the lid, pull directly out the car stop nail, spread on the predetermined road surface, and fix it on the other side of the road. Retraction shall be conducted in reverse order.?
20、( 3 ) remote controlled retarder The remote control car car nail is generally composed of the remote control, the car car nail box two parts, its various types, relatively convenient to use. Automatic control of automatic layout, withdrawal and car nails is realized. Its principle is also the use o
21、f acupuncture exhaust method. The car arrester ( roadblock potaiqi ) introduced above is consistent in principle, that is, the acupuncture exhaust method: when the vehicle passes through the car stop, the car stops quickly into the tire under the action of gravity of the vehicle, and the high pressu
22、re gas inside the tire is discharged through the gas chute. At the same time, with the movement inertia of the vehicle and the elastic pressure of the rubber tire itself, the car arrester was pulled out from the base of the car arrester and took off with the tire, and continue to play the exhaust ro
23、le until the end, so as to force the vehicle to stop driving. The above approach to the tire has inherent defects, such as in use, it is found that the vehicle can still taxi about 50 meters to stop, and easy to cause rollover accidents, adverse to the implementation of the task.? ( 4 ) car retarde
24、r network The hang about network, including the cord pull woven by special materials, is fixed to the ci on the net body. The intersection of a pull rope constitutes a node, and the ci nail is fixed to the network at least one node. According to this arrangement, the plurality of ci pins can be arr
25、anged on the same net body, when the tyre of the motor vehicle is in contact with the hang about network, the efficiency of the puncture nail punctured the motor vehicle tyre greatly increases; The hang about can also follow the wheel of the wheel to the axle of the motor vehicle, causing the wheel
26、of the motor vehicle to not turn, forcing the vehicle to stop.? Similar to the principle of hang about, x - net ( x - net ) is a strong viscous blocking network, winding the vehicle system, forcing the vehicle to stop. The product is light weight, easy to use, but the disadvantage is that it cannot
27、 be used repeatedly, so the use cost is very high. ( 5 ) rigid interception system ( rigid interception barriers ) these types of rigid interception systems are mostly driven by hydraulic rams to lift the rigid interceptor, and the control mode has manual, remote control and so on. This type of inte
28、rception can effectively intercept illegal traffic vehicles. Companies such as secure Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Inc., Israel, Inc., are the most famous. Although the rigid interceptor can effectively intercept vehicles, but the rigid interception s
29、ystem has shortcomings, mainly: ( 1 ) there is a possibility of lethal injury to the vehicle and crew, and there is no guarantee for the safety of life and property;? ② the interception system is basically not reusable, and the use of high cost;? ③ because of the structural restriction, the two-w
30、ay interception can not be carried out, the reverse vehicle can be passed through the slope;? ④ it is very high requirement for the defending terrain, because the intercepting device is rigid, the installation of the ground is very flat when the defense is deployed, otherwise it will cause the stru
31、ctural deformation of the intercepting system and affect the normal work. When using the box-type underground installation method, the construction is very difficult;? ⑤ the maintenance width adjustment difficulty, using rigid interception device, its interception width can hardly be adjusted, so t
32、he whole interception system is difficult to standardize, increase the cost of manufacturing and deployment.? 3. new research on the stopping technology of car stopping In recent years, the new car stopping technology mainly has the following several.? ( 1 ) the United States army of the United S
33、tates army proposed the concept of microwave disabled vehicle electronic system in 1997, and carried out the test, but did not solve the problem of miniaturization. With the technological progress, the United States eureka aviation The technology company studied a small car microwave remote vehicle
34、 interception system. The system is composed of power supply, oscillator and antenna, weighing 100 kg, microwave frequency is 350 MHz to 1350 MHz, stop The cut-off distance can be up to 50 m. The system uses the DC as the output power of the automobile generator as the power supply, the peak output
35、 power is 2gw, and the energy output can reach 100j, the energy output can be up to 640, and these pulses can be amplified to 640 kv, and then converted to microwave by an oscillator composed of a pair of coupling transmission lines and some spark gap switches. finally, a specially designed antenna
36、will point microwave energy beam to the fleeing vehicle, microwave energy will disturb or destroy the electronic system of escape vehicle, especially for the vehicle point fire control The electronic control unit ( ECU ) of the important engine function such as system, fuel injector, fuel pump cont
37、rol, let it short circuit, so that the engine will not shut off.? Because the automobile engine produced in recent 10 years is controlled by integrated circuit, this kind of wireless remote control device plays an important role in most cars. Currently, the United States police are considering outf
38、itting all police cars. The system operates around the clock, completely unaffected by the weather conditions and has no side effects on the human body. Eureka airlines is working to improve the interception system and make it more compact so that it can be placed in police cars, coastal patrol boat
39、s or helicopters.? ( 2 ) chemical retarder At present, the chemical car arrester mainly is engine flameout agent, super, super corrosive, super agent several. Engine remove from heat agent. Enter the engine and gasoline ( diesel fuel ) through the air inlet to solidify, reduce the burning rate or
40、not burn, and stop the power of the motor vehicle. The weapons made from remove from heat are mainly flame retardant and deflagration bombs. Flame retardant projectile. The flame retardant projectile contains some kind of choking gas, or a chemical that can rapidly expand into foam in the air. After
41、 hitting the target, either produce a gas that causes the engine to " choke" or generate a lot of foam near the engine, impede the cylinder piston movement, cause the engine " surge ", cause the engine to stall, and the life of the personnel is not dangerous, but can not be executed again Combat mi
42、ssion. Explosive projectile. It is a Fei ammunition that can cause the vehicle engine " heart failure" and cannot do work. The typical deflagration bomb developed and developed is the typical acetylene bomb. The elastic body of acetylene projectile is divided into two parts. Another part of the Asse
43、mble. The projectile explodes into the rear of the vehicle, and the water and calcium carbide react quickly to produce a large amount of acetylene and mix with the air to form an explosive mixture. After the mixture is sucked into the cylinder by the vehicle engine, a mass of deflagration or detonat
44、ion is formed under high pressure to destroy and extinguish the engine Fire, the vehicle broke down.? Super lubricant. Some substances, such as PTFE and its derivatives, spray asphalt, concrete, grass and other roads to make the road surface almost without friction coefficient, as in the ice. Mili
45、tarily, aircraft, missiles, artillery shells, bombs, and other vehicles can be cast to the airport, railway, highway, to make the enemy planes, trains, cars Because the runway, the track and the road is too slippery to take off and move, people are difficult to act, so as to effectively prevent the
46、 enemy actions, to win time for their actions, to master the battlefield initiative. This principle can be used, the police can be used to blockade roads, bridges, so that cars on the road can not travel, to achieve the purpose of the car. Super corrosive. For rubber products, corrosion is stronger
47、than hydrofluoric acid, resulting in tyre and sole deterioration, can make car tires quickly scrap, so that the vehicle can not run. The super agent mainly depends on the adhesion and blocking of its adhesive agent ( or foam ) to limit the purpose of the vehicle movement. The super aggregation can b
48、e cast by aircraft and aircraft bombs, and it can clog aircraft engines, power plant cooling systems, communications equipment and facilities, as well as fog Used against personnel to stick to any item touched.? ( 3 ) jamming line of sight blocking When the driver is driving the vehicle, the clea
49、r vision is the assurance of the road and the outside conditions, the driver's vision is largely limited by the size of the windshield, after the windshield is obscured, the driver's vision is extremely narrowed, and the judgment of the road condition can no longer continue. Thus, some of the chemic
50、al substances have viscosity and can quickly diffuse the characteristics of the glass, send it to the terrorists to drive the front of the windshield of the windshield, block their road of vision, using shielding sight to achieve the purpose of blocking the vehicle. The principle of this method is n
51、ovel, but some difficulties still need to be overcome. It can also consider the use of the current equipment of the non - lethal weapons to interfere with the driver's sight to achieve the car stop, such as the use of laser glare device can make it dizzy, unable to drive, has a better effect.
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