1 模具簡介
成為衡量一個國家產(chǎn)品制造水平高低的重要標(biāo)志,在很大程度上決定著產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量、效益和新產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)能力, 決定著一個國家制造業(yè)的國際競爭力.我國模具行業(yè)將向大型、精密、復(fù)雜、高效、長壽命和多功能方向發(fā)展。
在我國,隨著國民經(jīng)濟的高速發(fā)展,模具工業(yè)的發(fā)展也十分迅速。2003年模具行業(yè)實現(xiàn)銷售收入162.03億元,比去年同期增長了41.57%;實現(xiàn)利潤總額為12.85億元,比去年同期增長了90.63%。我國模具行業(yè)得到了快速發(fā)展。從模具業(yè)規(guī)模上講,我國已經(jīng)躍居世界第三位,僅次于日本和美國。可以說我國已經(jīng)成為模具生產(chǎn)大國,? 然而,就整個模具行業(yè)而言,大中型企業(yè)比較少,小型企業(yè)占絕大多數(shù);與此同時,國內(nèi)模具行業(yè)的企業(yè)存在著各種各樣的問題;與國外相關(guān)企業(yè)水平相比仍有很大的差距,因此國內(nèi)企業(yè)不應(yīng)當(dāng)盲目樂觀,而應(yīng)當(dāng)努力發(fā)展、強壯自我,以應(yīng)對來自各方面的挑戰(zhàn)。同時,把握住發(fā)展的機會,使我國早日成為模具的生產(chǎn)強國。
表1 1995年以來中國歷年模具產(chǎn)值表
表2 1995年以來中國歷年模具進出口情況表
2 模具材料
3 模具的發(fā)展趨勢
??? 中國模具產(chǎn)業(yè)除了要繼續(xù)提高生產(chǎn)能力,今后更要著重于行業(yè)內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)的調(diào)整和技術(shù)發(fā)展水平的提高。結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整方面,主要是企業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)向?qū)I(yè)化調(diào)整,產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)向著中高檔模具發(fā)展,向進出口結(jié)構(gòu)的改進,中高檔汽車覆蓋件模具成形分析及結(jié)構(gòu)改進、多功能復(fù)合模具和復(fù)合加工及激光技術(shù)在模具設(shè)計制造上的應(yīng)用、高速切削、超精加工及拋光技術(shù)、信息化方向發(fā)展。
3.1 模具CAD/CAM技術(shù)發(fā)展趨勢
現(xiàn)代模具設(shè)計制造系統(tǒng)不僅應(yīng)強調(diào)信息的集成,更應(yīng)該強調(diào)技術(shù)、人和管理的集成。在開發(fā)模具制造系統(tǒng)時強調(diào)“多集成”的概念,即信息集成、智能集成、串并行工作機制集成及人員集成,這更適合未來制造系統(tǒng)的需求?! ?
在許多情況下,一些產(chǎn)品并非來自設(shè)計概念,而是起源于另外一些產(chǎn)品或?qū)嵨?要在只有產(chǎn)品原型或?qū)嵨锬P?而沒有產(chǎn)品圖樣的條件下進行模具的設(shè)計和制造以便制造出產(chǎn)品。此時需要通過實物的測量,然后利用測量數(shù)據(jù)進行實物的CAD幾何模型的重新構(gòu)造,這種過程就是逆向工程RE(Reverse Engineering)。逆向工程能夠縮短從設(shè)計到制造的周期,是幫助設(shè)計者實現(xiàn)并行工程等現(xiàn)代設(shè)計概念的一種強有力的工具,目前在工程上正得到越來越廣泛的應(yīng)用。
快速成形制造技術(shù)RPM(Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing)是基于層制造原理,迅速制造出產(chǎn)品原型,而與零件的幾何復(fù)雜程度絲毫無關(guān),尤其在具有復(fù)雜曲面形狀的產(chǎn)品制造中更能顯示其優(yōu)越性。它不僅能夠迅速制造出原型供設(shè)計評估、裝配校驗、功能試驗,而且還可以通過形狀復(fù)制快速經(jīng)濟地制造出產(chǎn)品模具(如制造電極用于EDM加工、作為模芯消失鑄造出模具等),從而避免了傳統(tǒng)模具制造的費時、高成本的NC加工,因而RPM技術(shù)在模具制造中日益發(fā)揮著重要的作用。
3.2 模具軟件功能集成化
3.3 模具設(shè)計、分析及制造的三維化
?? 傳統(tǒng)的二維模具結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計已越來越不適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代化生產(chǎn)和集成化技術(shù)要求。模具設(shè)計、分析、制造的三維化、無紙化要求新一代模具軟件以立體的、直觀的感覺來設(shè)計模具,所采用的三維數(shù)字化模型能方便地用于產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)的CAE分析、模具可制造性評價和數(shù)控加工、成形過程模擬及信息的管理與共享。如Pro/ENGINEER、UG和CATIA等軟件具備參數(shù)化、基于特征、全相關(guān)等特點,從而使模具并行工程成為可能。另外,Cimatron公司的Mold expert,Delcam公司的Ps-mold及日立造船的Space-E/mold均是3D專業(yè)注塑模設(shè)計軟件,可進行交互式3D型腔、型芯設(shè)計、模架配置及典型結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計。澳大利亞Mold flow公司的三維真實感流動模擬軟件Mold flow Advisers已經(jīng)受到用戶廣泛的好評和應(yīng)用。國內(nèi)有華中理工大學(xué)研制的同類軟件HSC3D4.5F及鄭州工業(yè)大學(xué)的Z-mold軟件。面向制造、基于知識的智能化功能是衡量模具軟件先進性和實用性的重要標(biāo)志之一。如Cimatron公司的注塑模專家軟件能根據(jù)脫模方向自動產(chǎn)生分型線和分型面,生成與制品相對應(yīng)的型芯和型腔,實現(xiàn)模架零件的全相關(guān),自動產(chǎn)生材料明細表和供NC加工的鉆孔表格,并能進行智能化加工參數(shù)設(shè)定、加工結(jié)果校驗等。
3.4 模具軟件應(yīng)用的網(wǎng)絡(luò)化趨勢
?? 隨著模具在企業(yè)競爭、合作、生產(chǎn)和管理等方面的全球化、國際化,以及計算機軟硬件技術(shù)的迅速發(fā)展,網(wǎng)絡(luò)使得在模具行業(yè)應(yīng)用虛擬設(shè)計、敏捷制造技術(shù)既有必要,也有可能。美國在其《21世紀(jì)制造企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略》中指出,到2006年要實現(xiàn)汽車工業(yè)敏捷生產(chǎn)/虛擬工程方案,使汽車開發(fā)周期從40個月縮短到4個月。
3.5 模具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化和技術(shù)化趨勢
我國模具行業(yè)要進一步發(fā)展多功能復(fù)合模具,一套多功能模具除了沖壓成型零件外,還擔(dān)負疊壓、攻絲、鉚接和鎖緊等組裝任務(wù)。通過這種多功能的模具生產(chǎn)出來的不再是成批零件,而是成批的組件,如觸頭與支座的組件、各種微小電機、電器及儀表的鐵芯組件等。多色和多材質(zhì)塑料成形模具也將有較快發(fā)展。這種模具縮短了產(chǎn)品的生產(chǎn)周期,今后在不同領(lǐng)域?qū)⒌玫桨l(fā)展和應(yīng)用。? 隨著熱流道技術(shù)的日漸推廣應(yīng)用,熱流道模具在塑料模具中的比重將逐步提高。采用熱流道技術(shù)的模具可提高制件的生產(chǎn)率和質(zhì)量,并能大幅度節(jié)約制件的原材料,這項技術(shù)的應(yīng)用在國外發(fā)展很快,已十分普遍。國內(nèi)熱流道模具也已經(jīng)生產(chǎn),有些企業(yè)已達30%左右,但總的來看,比例太低,亟待發(fā)展。隨著塑料成型工藝的不斷改進與發(fā)展,氣輔模具及適應(yīng)高壓注射成型工藝的模具將隨之發(fā)展。
4 模具技術(shù)
4.1 快速經(jīng)濟制模技術(shù)
(1)快速原型制造技術(shù)(RPM)。它包括激光立體光刻技術(shù)(SLA) ;疊層輪廓制造技術(shù)(LOM) ;激光粉末選區(qū)燒結(jié)成形技術(shù)(SLS) ;熔融沉積成形技術(shù)(FDM) 和三維印刷成形技術(shù)(3D-P)等。
4.2 模具制造技術(shù)
在制造技術(shù)方面,首先是采用CAD/CAM技術(shù),用計算機造型、編程并由數(shù)控機床加工己是主要手段,CAE軟件也得到應(yīng)用。一般均采用內(nèi)熱式或外熱式熱流道裝置。少數(shù)單位采用具有世界先進水平的高難度針閥式熱流道模具,完全消除了制件的澆口痕跡。氣體輔助注射技術(shù)已成功得到應(yīng)用。在高效多色注射的應(yīng)用和抽芯脫模機構(gòu)的創(chuàng)新設(shè)計方面,也取得較大進展。在精度方面,塑件的尺寸精度可達IT6~7級,分型面接觸間隙為0.02~0.025mm,模板的彈性變形為0.05mm,分型面的表面粗糙度為Ra0.2μm ,塑料模壽命已達100萬次。
CAD/CAM/CAE技術(shù)的應(yīng)用水平上了一個新臺階,以生產(chǎn)家用電器的企業(yè)為代表,陸續(xù)引進了相當(dāng)數(shù)量的CAD/CAM系統(tǒng),如美國EDS的UG II、美國Parametric Technology公司的Pro/Engineer、美國CV公司的CADS5、英國Deltacam公司的DOCT5、日本HZS公司的CRADE、以色列公司的Cimatron、美國AC-Tech公司的C-Mold及澳大利亞Moldflow公司的MPA塑模分析軟件等等。這些系統(tǒng)和軟件的引進,雖花費了大量資金,但在我國模具行業(yè)中,實現(xiàn)了CAD/CAM的集成,并能支持CAE技術(shù)對成型過程,如充模和冷卻等進行計算機模擬,取得了一定的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟效益,促進和推動了我國模具CAD/CAM技術(shù)的發(fā)展。近年來,我國自主開發(fā)的塑料模CAD/CAM系統(tǒng)有了很大發(fā)展,主要有北航華正軟件工程研究所開發(fā)的CAXA系統(tǒng)、華中科技大學(xué)開發(fā)的注塑模HSC5.0系統(tǒng)及CAE軟件等,這些軟件具有適應(yīng)國內(nèi)模具的具體情況、能在微機上應(yīng)用且價格較低等特點為進一步普及模具CAD/CAM技術(shù)創(chuàng)造了良好條件。
4.3 注射成型工藝技術(shù)
4.4 模具材料及表面處理技術(shù)
4.5 我國模具行業(yè)共性技術(shù)
5 存在問題和主要差距
6 模具行業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃
7 模具行業(yè)發(fā)展對策
8 結(jié)語
??? 經(jīng)過這幾十年的發(fā)展,我國模具有了長足的發(fā)展,模具CAD/CAM技術(shù)已經(jīng)被廣泛應(yīng)用于我國企業(yè)。我國研制模具CAD/CAM軟件的開發(fā)水平也逐漸接近國外先進水平。在政府的大力支持下先后出現(xiàn)了一批先進的模具示范企業(yè),高校和企業(yè)也培養(yǎng)了一大批模具軟件開發(fā)及應(yīng)用人才。但總的來說,我國目前模具軟件不管是從產(chǎn)品開發(fā)水平還是從商品化、市場化程度都與發(fā)達國家有不小的差距。模具技術(shù)水平還處于向高技術(shù)集成和向產(chǎn)業(yè)化商品化過渡的時期,研制的軟件在可靠性和穩(wěn)定性方面與國外工業(yè)發(fā)達國家的軟件尚有一些差距,還沒有針對性的軟件,使用一般都是通用性軟件。但是我們不但要看清我們的劣勢,也要看到我們的優(yōu)勢。與國外軟件相比我們的優(yōu)勢是:了解本國市場,便于提供技術(shù)支持,相對價格便宜等。另外,我們有政府的大力支持,各大高校也為CAD軟件的開發(fā)培養(yǎng)了大批的人才。在這些前提下,我國模具產(chǎn)業(yè)不僅要緊跟時代潮流,跟蹤國際最新動態(tài),遵守各種國際規(guī)范,形成自己獨特的優(yōu)勢,更要立足國內(nèi),結(jié)合國情,面向國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟建設(shè)的需要,開發(fā)出有自己特色,符合中國人習(xí)慣的CAD/CAM軟件。
Development situation and development trend of die
1? Die Introduction
Mold is the basis for industrial production technology and equipment, consensus
has been achieved. Mould production technology of high and low, Become an important symbol of national product manufacturing levels, to a large extent determine the quality of product, efficiency, and new product development capability, determine a country's international competitiveness in the manufacturing sector. China's mold industry will development to large, sophisticated, complex, high efficiency, long life span, and multi-functional direction.
Plastic mould industry was developed along with the development of the plastics industry. Plastics industry is a new industry. Since the advent of plastic since decades, because of its rich, easy to make and low in cost of raw materials, plastics industry is developing rapidly, in some ways, it has been replaced by a variety of non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals, cement, rubber, wood, leather, ceramics and glass, become indispensable materials of various industrial sectors. Modern and contemporary in design and manufacturing of plastic mould plastic is very closely related to industrial development. With the rapid development of the plastics industry, plastic mould industry is rapidly developing.
In our country, with the rapid development of the national economy, development of mold industry is very quickly. 2003 year mould industry sales 162.03 billion, over the same period last year increased by 41.57%; total profit to 12.85 billion, over the same period last year rose by 90.63%. China's mould industry has been rapid development. From the scale on the mould industry, China has leapt to third place in the world, second only to Japan and the United States. Can said in China has became die production powers, however, on entire die industry,, large and medium-sized enterprise comparison less, small enterprise accounted for most; Meanwhile, domestic die industry of enterprise exists with variety of problem; and abroad related enterprise level compared to still has is large of gap, so domestic enterprise does not should blind optimistic, and should efforts development, and strong self, to should from Parties surface of challenge. At the same time, to seize development opportunities, as the mould production of power as soon as possible.
Mold is an important manufacturing base in China, mould manufacturing is dedicated device. China started to build mould and die very early, but in the long run do not form. Until 20 century 80 years later, China mould industry into the fast track of development. In recent years, not only the State-owned development of mould enterprises has been greatly, foreign-funded enterprises, towns (individual) very rapidly in the development of mould enterprises. Incomplete statistics show that nearly 10 years the country (not including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan figures, the same below) mold production and import and export developments, such as table 1, table 2 China mould industry profiles
Table 1 1995 Year over the die output table of China
Value (billions of Yuan)
Table 2 1995 Year over the stencil in China since import and export tables
Imports (USD)
Exports (USD)
Tables are visible, although China's mould industry has developed rapidly, but compared with the demand, clearly in short supply, its major gaps focused on precision, large-scale, complex, long-life areas of mold. Due to mould precision, long life, and production capacity of the manufacturing cycle, China and the international average, and is still a big gap between developed countries, therefore, need to import each year die.
2? Die Material
Depending on the molding method and tool life cycle (that is, number of products manufactured by) different, plastic molding to meet different needs, molds can be made from a variety of materials, and even can make comparison of special materials such as paper and gypsum. However, because most of the molding process requires high pressures, usually also have high temperature conditions, so far the most important material of metal, which have topped. Most of the time, mould material choice is not only related to the performance and the best price/performance, also mould processing method, or even the whole design.
A typical example is a metal casting mold material selection, compared with machined molds, different materials for metal casting mold cooling system there is a big difference. In addition, different manufacturing methods also can have a shadow on the choice of material production, manufacture of prototype tooling is often the use of new technologies, such as computer-aided design and computer-integrated manufacturing, solid preparation of prototype molds. Compared with the previous method based on the model of, CAD and CIM method will be more economical, this is because this type of mould manufacturers will be able to make itself, and other technologies, can only be processed by outside vendors.
In short, while the mold is often used in high-performance materials, but most still are those of conventional materials. Almost cannot be used for high performance materials like ceramic molds, this may be because of its advantages (performance such as high temperature does not change) is not needed in a stencil, on the contrary, as a sintered ceramic material, has the disadvantage of low tensile strength and poor heat transfer, application and only a small amount of mold. Parts used here are not using hot press process and production of powder metallurgy, but fired into the air, and air permeability of parts.
In many molding methods, you must use the tunes according to one ' s own understanding of gas discharge, there has been several attempts using porous metal exhaust. Compared to the exhaust and specifically set, its advantages are evident, especially in the melt forward like a melted wiring, here are the most prone to problem areas: on the one hand to prevent melting of surface there is a clear connection, allowing you to avoid overflow, and other remnants of plugging porous. With such material when you die, in design and new issues appear on the forming process.
3? Development trend of die
In modern mechanical manufacturing , mould industry has become the basic industries of the national economy , many of the development and production of new products , to a large extent depend on the mold manufacturing technology , especially in the automobile industry, light industry, electronics and aerospace industries, such as especially important. Strength of mould manufacturing capabilities and moulds, high and low, has become one of the important measure of a national machinery manufacturing technology signs, directly affecting many sectors of the national economy development. Mould CAD/CAM is in die CAD and mould CAM developed on the basis of the development of, respectively, it is the application of computer technology in die and mold manufacturing a new leap forward. CAD/CAM the rapid development of technology , further improvement of the level of software, hardware , to mould industry has provided strong technical support , for the company's product design, manufacturing and development brought about a qualitative leap in production levels , has become a modern enterprise information, integration and optimal selection of networking.
??? Chinese mold industry, in addition to continuing to improve productivity, more focus on the adjustment of industry structure and raising the level of technology development. Structural adjustment, mainly to professional adjustment of enterprise structure, product mix towards the high-end tooling development, to the improvement of the structure of import and export, high-end analysis and structure improvement of automobile Panel die forming, multi-functional composite tooling and machining and the application of laser technology in mould design and manufacture, and super high speed cutting finishing and polishing technology, information technology development.
3.1 Mould CAD/CAM technology development trends
21 century of die and mold industry of basic characteristics is highly integrated, flexible and intelligent, networked , pursuit of the goals is to improve product quality and production efficiency , shorten the design cycle and manufacturing cycles , reduce production costs , maximize the responsiveness of die and mold manufacturing , To meet customer needs. We will show the following characteristics.
(1) Standardized
CAD/CAM system can establish a standard parts database, non-standard parts database and mould parameter database. Standard parts in the repository in CAD design parts can always accessible, and USES the GT (group technology) production. The standard parts library storage in parts, although and design in the required structure is not the same, but the use of the system itself modeling technology can easily be modified, so as to speed up the design process, the typical die structure in parametric design repository is the basis of the realized according to the request of users, die structure similar to modify, can generate need structure.
(2)Integration technology
Modern mold design and manufacturing system should not only emphasize information of integration, more should emphasize the integration of technology, and management. In the development of mould manufacturing system emphasize "much integration" concept, namely the information integration, intelligent integration, string of parallel mechanism of the integration and personnel integration, it is more suitable for the future of manufacturing system needs.
(3) Intelligent technology
Application of artificial intelligence technology to realize product life cycle (including product design, manufacture, use) each link intelligent, realize the production process (including organization, management, planning, scheduling, control, etc.) each link the intelligence of the intelligent equipment and mold, and to realize the integration of man and system and people in them intelligent of the full play.
(4) Network technology application
Network technology including hardware and software integration achieved, various communication protocol and manufacturing automation protocol, information communication interface, system operation control strategies, which is the basis of all kinds of manufacturing system automation. At present already appeared through the Internet realize across national borders the success of the die design example.
(5) Multi-disciplinary and multi-function comprehensive product design technology
The future product development design not only use mechanical scientific theory and knowledge, but also used electromagnetism, optical, control theory knowledge. The development of the product to the performance of multi-objective optimization design, mould products in pursuit of dynamic and static characteristic, efficiency, the precision and the service life, reliability, manufacturing costs and the best combination of manufacturing cycle.
(6) The reverse engineering technology application
In many cases, some products are not from design concept, but some other products from or physical, the only product prototype or physical model, and no product design under the condition of die design and manufacturing to make a product. This is a place for through the forms of measurement, and then the measurement data of the CAD models and physical structure again, this process is Reverse Engineering RE (Reverse Engineering). Reverse engineering can shorten the cycle of from design to manufacturing, is to help designers realized such modern concurrent engineering design concept of a powerful tool, currently in engineering is getting more and more widely.
(7) Rapid forming technology
Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing technology RPM (Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing) is based on the principle of Manufacturing, Rapid Manufacturing a product prototype, and with parts of the geometry of the complex degree not least, especially in a complex curved surface to the shape of the product Manufacturing in can demonstrate its advantages. It not only to be able to quickly create prototype for design evaluation, assembly calibration, function test, and can also through the shape copy rapid economic to create products mould (such as manufacturing electrode for processing EDM, as punch mould casting out and disappear) so as to avoid the traditional mould manufacturing time consuming, the high cost of NC processing, thus RPM technology in mould manufacturing of increasingly played an important role.
3.2 Die software features integrated
?Die software features integrated requirements of functional modules of the software is complete, while the function module using the same data model, to achieve the integrated management and information sharing, to support the mold design, manufacture, Assembly, inspection, testing, and management of the entire process, achieve optimal efficiency purposes. United Kingdom Delcam company series of software including the surface / solid geometric modeling, rendering complex engineering drawing, industrial design, design expert system of plastic mold, complex body CAM, art and sculpture, reverse engineering system of automatic programming system and online measurement system of complex shapes. Higher degree of integration software include:Pro/ENGINEER, andUG and CATIA .
3.3 Mold design, analysis and manufacture of three-dimensional
?? ?? Traditional two-dimensional mold structure design has become increasingly unsuited to modern production and the integration of technical requirements. Mold design, analysis, fabrication of three dimensional, paper calls for new generation of die software to solid, intuitive feel to the design of the mold, using three dimensional digital model can be easily used in product structure of CAE analysis of manufacturability evaluation and numerical control machining, mold, forming process simulation and information management and sharing. Such as Pro / ENGINEER, UG and CATIA software with parameters, based on feature, all related to the characteristics, so that the mold concurrent engineering to become possible. In addition,Cimatron company Mold expert,Delcam company Ps-mold and Hitachi Space-E/mold is d professional injection mold design software, interactive d -shaped cavities, Core design, configuration and typical structure design of mould. Australia Mold flow simulation software company of three dimension realistic Mold flow Advisers has been widely praised by the user and the application. Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China developed similar software HSC3D4.5F and Zhengzhou University of technology Z-mold software. Manufacturing-oriented, knowledge-based intelligent function is a measure of software, one of the important symbols of the nature and relevance of the die. Cimatron injection molding experts of company software according to release automatically generate parting lines and parting surfaces, and products that correspond to the core and cavity, realize mould base parts, Automatic Bill of material and for NC machining drilling form, intelligent processing parameters setting, processing and results validation and so on.
3.4 Die software application networking trends
?? ??? As mold in Enterprise competition, cooperation, production and management of globalization and internationalization, as well as the rapid development of computer hardware and software technology, online agile manufacturing technology in die and mold industry application of virtual design, both necessary and also possible. United States in the21 century manufacturing enterprise strategy, pointed out that to 2006 years of auto industry agile production / virtual engineering solutions, the vehicle development cycle from 40 months to 4 months.
3.5 Die standardization and technical trend
??? In recent years, the mold industry structure adjustment and reform increased, mainly in, large, sophisticated, complex, long-life, high development faster than General mould of moulds and mould standard parts; plastic mold and die-scaled up; and productivity growth in the number of professional mold factory; "three-capital" and the rapid development of the private sector; joint-stock reform pace.
??? Die standard-applications will become more and more widespread, standardization of mold and mold standard parts can greatly influence the application of mould manufacturing cycle. Die standard-not only can reduce mold manufacturing cycles, and mold can improve quality and reduce tooling costs. At the same time, very broad prospects of rapid economic dies. As people require shorter production cycles, the better of molds, so rapid economic development die more and arouse people's attention. To create a mold for example development of superplastic; with epoxy, polyester, or in which the filler metal, glass and other enhancements make a simple mold. This type of mold manufacturing process is simple, precision control, less shrinkage, low price, high life. Also use a cement-plastic production of automobile Panel die. And low melting point alloy die in, spray molding, casting, precision casting, stacked die, ceramic vacuum forming mold and shape and low cost molds using heat hardening rubber rapid manufacturing, rapid economic dies will be further developed. Quick change die frame, quick change blow in first class are also growing. Quick die change equipment of computer control and robot operation, quick test mode device technologies will also be developed and improved.
??? China's mold industry to further develop the multifunctional complex moulds, apart from forming part of a multifunction die, also folding, locking, tapping, riveting and Assembly tasks. This versatile die are no longer mass produced parts, but a batch of components, such as contact and support components, various core components of micro-motors, electrical and instrument, and so on. The multi-color and multi-material plastic forming mold will also be rapid development. This mold to shorten the production cycle of the product, in different areas will be developed and applied in the future. Hot runner technology application, hot runner mould plastic mould's share will gradually increase. Hot runner technology mold can improve productivity and quality of products, substantial savings products and raw materials, application of this technology developed very rapidly in a foreign country, is very common. National hot runner molds are produced, some enterprises have reached about 30%, but in General, the ratio is too low and needs to be developed. With continuous improvement and development of plastic molding, gas assisted moulds and adapted to the high pressure injection molding process of mould will develop.
4? Mould technology
Die collection of mechanical, chemical, optical, materials, electronics, computers, precision monitoring and information networks, and many other subjects, is a comprehensive multidisciplinary systems. Die technology of development trend main is die products towards more large, and more precision, and more complex and the more economic of direction development, die products of technology content constantly improve, die manufacturing cycle constantly shortened, die production towards information, and no figure of, and fine of, and automation of direction development, die Enterprise towards technology integrated of, and device excellent of, and production batch brand of, and management informati