壓縮包內含有CAD圖紙和說明書,均可直接下載獲得文件,所見所得,電腦查看更方便。Q 197216396 或 11970985
帶式輸送機又稱膠帶輸送機,廣泛應用于家電、電子、電器、機械、煙草、注塑、郵電、印刷、食品等各行各業(yè),物件的組裝、檢測、調試、包裝及運輸?shù)?。線體輸送可根據(jù)工藝要求選用:普通連續(xù)運行、節(jié)拍運行、變速運行等多種控制方式;線體因地制宜選用:直線、彎道、斜坡等線體形式 輸送設備包括:皮帶輸送機也叫帶式輸送機或膠帶輸送機等,是組成有節(jié)奏的流水作業(yè)線所不可缺少的經(jīng)濟型物流輸送設備。皮帶機按其輸送能力可分為重型皮帶機如礦用皮帶輸送機,輕型皮帶機如用在電子塑料,食品輕工,化工醫(yī)藥等行業(yè)。皮帶輸送機具有輸送能力強,輸送距離遠,結構簡單易于維護,能方便地實行程序化控制和自動化操作。運用輸送帶的連續(xù)或間歇運動來輸送100KG以下的物品或粉狀、顆狀物品,其運行高速、平穩(wěn),噪音低,并可以上下坡傳送。帶式輸送機根據(jù)用途可分為:重型皮帶輸送機和輕型皮帶輸送機。根據(jù)結構形式可分為:槽形皮帶輸送機和平板型皮帶輸送機。帶式輸送機是一種摩擦驅動以連續(xù)方式運輸物料的機械。主要由機架、輸送帶、托輥、滾筒、張緊裝置、傳動裝置等組成。它可以將物料在一定的輸送線上,從最初的供料點到最終的卸料點間形成一種物料的輸送流程。它既可以進行碎散物料的輸送,也可以進行成件物品的輸送。除進行純粹的物料輸送外,還可以與各工業(yè)企業(yè)生產流程中的工藝過程的要求相配合,形成有節(jié)奏的流水作業(yè)運輸線。膠帶輸送機又稱皮帶輸送機,輸送帶根據(jù)摩擦傳動原理而運動,適用于輸送堆積密度小于1.67/噸/立方米,易于掏取的粉狀、粒狀、小塊狀的低磨琢性物料及袋裝物料,如煤、碎石、砂、水泥、化肥、糧食等。膠帶輸送機可在環(huán)境溫度-20℃至+40℃范圍內使用,被送物料溫度小于60℃。其機長及裝配形式可根據(jù)用戶要求確定,傳動可用電滾筒,也可用帶驅動架的驅動裝置。可以用于水平運輸或傾斜運輸,使用非常方便,廣泛應用于現(xiàn)代化的各種工業(yè)企業(yè)中,如:礦山的井下巷道、礦井地面運輸系統(tǒng)、露天采礦場及選礦廠中。根據(jù)輸送工藝要求,可以單臺輸送,也可多臺組成或與其他輸送設備組成水平或傾斜的輸送系統(tǒng),以滿足不同布置形式的作業(yè)線需要。帶式輸送機主要由兩個端點滾筒及緊套其上的閉合輸送帶組成。帶動輸送帶轉動的滾筒稱為驅動滾筒(傳動滾筒);另一個僅在于改變輸送帶運動方向的滾筒稱為改向滾筒。驅動滾筒由電動機通過減速器驅動,輸送帶依靠驅動滾筒與輸送帶之間的摩擦力拖動。驅動滾筒一般都裝在卸料端,以增大牽引力,有利于拖動。物料由喂料端喂入,落在轉動的輸送帶上,依靠輸送帶摩擦帶動運送到卸料端卸出。帶式輸送機是煤礦最理想的高效連續(xù)運輸設備,與其他運輸設備(如機車類)相比,具有輸送距離長、運量大、連續(xù)輸送等優(yōu)點,而且運行可靠,易于實現(xiàn)自動化和集中化控制,尤其對高產高效礦井,帶式輸送機已成為煤炭開采機電一體化技術與裝備的關鍵設備。帶式輸送機主要特點是機身可以很方便的伸縮,設有儲帶倉,機尾可隨采煤工作面的推進伸長或縮短,結構緊湊,可不設基礎,直接在巷道底板上鋪設,機架輕巧,拆裝十分方便。當輸送能力和運距較大時,可配中間驅動裝置來滿足要求。根據(jù)輸送工藝的要求,可以單機輸送,也可多機組合成水平或傾斜的運輸系統(tǒng)來輸送物料。帶式輸送機廣泛地應用在冶金、煤炭、交通、水電、化工等部門,是因為它具有輸送量大、結構簡單、維修方便、成本低、通用性強等優(yōu)點。技術優(yōu)勢:首先是它運行可靠。在許多需要連續(xù)運行的重要的生產單位,如發(fā)電廠煤的輸送,鋼鐵廠和水泥廠散狀物料的輸送,以及港口內船舶裝卸等均采用帶式輸送機。如在這些場合停機,其損失是巨大的。必要時,帶式輸送機可以一班接一班地連續(xù)工作。帶式輸送機動力消耗低。由于物料與輸送帶幾乎無相對移動,不僅使運行阻力?。s為刮板輸送機的1/3-1/5),而且對貨載的磨損和破碎均小,生產率高。這些均有利于降低生產成本.帶式輸送機的輸送線路適應性強又靈活。線路長度根據(jù)需要而定.短則幾米,長可達10km以上。可以安裝在小型隧道內,也可以架設在地面交通混亂和危險地區(qū)的上空。根據(jù)工藝流程的要求,帶式輸送機能非常靈活地從一點或多點受料.也可以向多點或幾個區(qū)段卸料。當同時在幾個點向輸送帶上加料(如選煤廠煤倉下的輸送機)或沿帶式輸送機長度方向上的任一點通過均勻給料設備向輸送帶給料時,帶式輸送機就成為一條主要輸送干線。帶式輸送機可以在貯煤場料堆下面的巷道里取料,需要時,還能把各堆不同的物料進行混合。物料可簡單地從輸送機頭部卸出,也可通過犁式卸料器或移動卸料車在輸送帶長度方向的任一點卸料。設計要點:1、工作環(huán)境、狀況和條件需要考慮每天運轉的時間、工作頻率、帶式輸送機的服務年限、給料以及卸料的方法。工作環(huán)境、狀況:環(huán)境溫度、露天或室內、環(huán)保要求、移動或固定、伸縮要求。2、輸送線路和輸送帶的問題需要詳細考慮輸送線路的尺寸,包括:傾角、最大長度、提升高度;直線段、曲線段的尺寸;連接尺寸等。輸送帶:最大的垂度要求、模擬摩擦阻力系數(shù)、摩擦系數(shù)、安全系數(shù)。3、物料的性質和輸送量需要考慮物料的具體性質,包括:松散密度、安息角、物料的粒度、最大塊度情況、物料的濕度、物料的磨損性、粘結性和摩擦系數(shù)。輸送量,料流均勻時能夠直接達到的輸送量,料流不均勻時可以考慮給出料流量的基本統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)。組成:綜述通用帶式輸送機由輸送帶、托輥、滾筒及驅動裝置、制動器、張緊裝置、裝載、卸載、清掃器等裝置組成。輸送帶:常用的有橡膠帶和塑料帶兩種。橡膠帶適用于工作環(huán)境溫度-15~40℃之間。物料溫度不超過50℃,超過50℃以上訂貨時需告知廠家,可以選用耐高溫輸送帶。向上輸送散粒料的傾角12°~24°。對于大傾角輸送可用裙邊帶。塑料帶具有耐油、酸、堿等優(yōu)點,但對于氣候的適應性差,易打滑和老化。帶寬是帶式輸送機的主要技術參數(shù)。托輥:有槽形托輥、平形托輥、調心托輥、緩沖托輥。槽形托輥(由3個輥子組成)支承承載分支,用以輸送散粒物料;調心托輥用以調整帶的橫向位置,避免跑偏;緩沖托輥裝在受料處,以減小物料對帶的沖擊。滾筒:分驅動滾筒和改向滾筒。驅動滾筒是傳遞動力的主要部件。分單滾筒(膠帶對滾筒的包角為210°~230°)、雙滾筒(包角達350°)和多滾筒(用于大功率)等。張緊裝置:其作用是使輸送帶達到必要的張力,以免在驅動滾筒上打滑,并使輸送帶在托輥間的撓度保證在規(guī)定范圍內。包含螺旋張緊裝置、重錘張緊裝置、車式拉緊裝置。安全操作:綜述帶式輸送機已成為整個生產環(huán)節(jié)中的重要設備之一。結構先進,適應性強,阻力小、壽命長、維修方便、保護裝置齊全是帶式輸送機顯著的特點。在帶式輸送機運行前,首先要確認帶式輸送機設備、人員、被輸送物品均處于安全完好的狀態(tài);其次檢查各運動部位正常無異物,檢查所有電氣線路是否正常,正常時才能將皮帶輸送機投入運行。最后要檢查供電電壓與設備額定電壓的差別不超過±5%。運行操作:1.合上總電源開關,檢查設備電源是否正常送入且電源指示燈是否亮。正常后進行下一步操作。2.合上各回路的電源開關,檢查是否正常。正常狀態(tài)下為:設備不動作,皮帶輸送機運行指示燈不亮,變頻器等設備的電源指示燈亮,變頻器的顯示面板顯示正常(無故障代碼顯示)。3.按照工藝流程依次啟動各電氣設備,上一個電氣設備啟動正常后(電機或其他設備已達到正常速度、正常狀態(tài))再進行下一個電氣設備的啟動。在帶式輸送機運行中,必須遵守被輸送物品設計中物品的規(guī)定,遵守帶式輸送機的設計能力。其次,要注意各類人員不得觸及皮帶輸送機的運動部分,非專業(yè)人員不得隨意接觸電氣元件、控制按鈕等。最后,在帶式輸送機運行中不能對變頻器后級斷路,如確定維修需要,則必須在停止變頻運行的情況下才能進行,否則可能損壞變頻器。帶式輸送機運行停止 ,按下停止按鈕待系統(tǒng)全部停止后方能切斷總電源。型號的選擇⑴輸送物件的重量(包括吊具重量)、外形尺寸及其吊掛方式;⑵線路長度及其復雜程度,即水平回轉段和垂直彎曲段的多少;⑶輸送機的環(huán)境工作條件及工作班次;⑷輸送機的運行速度及生產率;⑸特殊的工藝要求。動力輥道由動力輥桶組件、鋁旁板、片架、拉桿、承座、驅動裝置和鏈條組成。無動力輥道由無動力輥桶組件、鋁旁板、片架、拉桿、承座組成。動力輥道由驅動裝 置帶動牽引鏈條,鏈條帶動各動力輥桶上的鏈輪轉動,從而由轉動的輸送工作。無動力輥道由人推拉工件或工件擠壓工件,在可自由的輥筒上移動。調試:調試皮帶輸送機的步驟:⑴各設備安裝后精心調試皮帶輸送機,滿足圖樣要求。⑵各減速器,運動部件加注相應潤滑油。⑶安裝皮帶輸送機達到要求后各單臺設備進行手動工作試車,并結合起來調試皮帶輸送機以滿足動作的要求。⑷調試皮帶輸送機的電氣部分。包括對常規(guī)電氣接線及動作的調試,使設備具備良好性能,達到設計的功能和狀態(tài)。常見故障:皮帶跑偏為解決這類故障重點要注意安裝的尺寸精度與日常的維護保養(yǎng)。跑偏的原因有多種,需根據(jù)不同的原因區(qū)別處理。1 .調整承載托輥組皮帶機的皮帶在整個皮帶輸送機的中部跑偏時可調整托輥組的位置來調整跑偏;在制造時托輥組的兩側安裝孔都加工成長孔,以便進行調整。具體調整方法,具體方法是皮帶偏向哪一側,托輥組的哪一側朝皮帶前進方向前移,或另外一側后移。2.安裝調心托輥組。調心托輥組有多種類型如中間轉軸式、四連桿式、立輥式等其原理是采用阻擋或托輥在水平面內 方向轉動阻擋或產生橫向推力使皮帶自動向心達到調整皮帶跑偏的目的。一般在皮帶輸送機總長度較短時或皮帶輸送機雙向運行時采用此方法比較合理,原因是較短皮帶輸送機更容易跑偏并且不容易調整。而長皮帶輸送機最好不采用此方法,因為調心托輥組的使用會對皮帶的使用壽命產生一定的影響。3. 調整驅動滾筒與改向滾筒位置。驅動滾筒與改向滾筒的調整是皮帶跑偏調整的重要環(huán)節(jié)。因為一條皮帶輸送機至少有2到5個滾筒,所有滾筒的安裝位置必須垂直于皮帶輸送機長度方向的中心線,若偏斜過大必然發(fā)生跑偏。其調整方法與調整托輥組類似。對于頭部滾筒如皮帶向滾筒的右側跑偏,則右側的軸承座應當向前移動,皮帶向滾筒的左側跑偏,則左側的軸承座應當向前移動,相對應的也可將左側軸承座后移或右側軸承座后移。尾部滾筒的調整方法與頭部滾筒剛好相反。調整方法。經(jīng)過反復調整直到皮帶調到較理想的位置。在調整驅動或改向滾筒前最好準確安裝其位置。4. 張緊處的調整。皮帶張緊處的調整是皮帶輸送機跑偏調整的一個非常重要的環(huán)節(jié)。重錘張緊處上部的兩個改向滾筒除應垂直于皮帶長度方向以外還應垂直于重力垂線,即保證其軸中心線水平。使用螺旋張緊或液壓油缸張緊時,張緊滾筒的兩個軸承座應當同時平移,以保證滾筒軸線與皮帶縱向方向垂直。具體的皮帶跑偏的調整方法與滾筒處的調整類似。5. 轉載點處落料位置對皮帶跑偏的影響。轉載點處物料的落料位置對皮帶的跑偏有非常大的影響,尤其在兩條皮帶機在水平面的投影成垂直時影響更大。通常應當考慮轉載點處上下兩條皮帶機的相對高度。相對高度越低,物料的水平速度分量越大,對下層皮帶的側向沖擊也越大,同時物料也很難居中。使在皮帶橫斷面上的物料偏斜,最終導致皮帶跑偏。如果物料偏到右側,則皮帶向左側跑偏,反之亦然。在設計過程中應盡可能地加大兩條皮帶機的相對高度。在受空間限制的移動散料輸送機械的上下漏斗、導料槽等件的形式與尺寸更應認真考慮。一般導料槽的的寬度應為皮帶寬度的三分之二左右比較合適。為減少或避免皮帶跑偏可增加擋料板阻擋物料,改變物料的下落方向和位置。6 .雙向運行皮帶輸送機跑偏的調整。雙向運行的皮帶輸送機皮帶跑偏的調整比單向皮帶輸送機跑偏的調整相對要困難許多,在具體調整時應先調整某一個方向,然后調整另外一個方向。調整時要仔細觀察皮帶運動方向與跑偏趨勢的關系,逐個進行調整。重點應放在驅動滾筒和改向滾筒的調整上,其次是托輥的調整與物料的落料點的調整。同時應注意皮帶在硫化接頭時應使皮帶斷面長度方向上的受力均勻,在采用導鏈牽引時兩側的受力盡可能地相等。國內現(xiàn)狀:中國生產制造的帶式輸送機的品種、類型較多。在“八五”期間,通過國家一條龍“日產萬噸綜采設備”項目的實施,帶式輸送機的技術水平有了很大提高,煤礦井下用大功率、長距離帶式輸送機的關鍵技術研究和新產品開發(fā)都取得了很大的進步。如大傾角長距離帶式輸送機成套設備、高產高效工作面順槽可伸縮帶式輸送機等均填補了國內空白,并對帶式輸送機的減低關鍵技術及其主要元部件進行了理論研究和產品開發(fā),研制成功了多種軟起動和制動裝置以及以PLC為核心的可編程電控裝置,驅動系統(tǒng)采用調速型液力偶合器和行星齒輪減速器。
Belt conveyor belt conveyor, widely used in home appliances, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, tobacco, injection molding, post and telecommunications, printing, food and other industries, object assembly, test, debug, packaging and transportation. Conveying line body can control mode adopted according to the technological requirement: ordinary continuous operation, operational tempo, the speed of operation; line selected conditions: straight line, curve, slope, lines form transportation equipment, including: belt conveyor is also called belt conveyor or belt conveying machine and is composed of rhythmic assembly line indispensable economy Logistics transportation equipment. According to its conveying capacity, the belt conveyor can be divided into heavy belt conveyor, such as belt conveyer, light belt conveyor, such as electronic plastics, food light industry, chemical medicine and other industries.. The belt conveyer has the conveying ability, the conveying distance is far, the structure is simple and easy to maintain, and can conveniently implement the procedure control and the automatic operation. The use of continuous or intermittent movement of the conveyor to transport 100KG the following items or powder, and the like, its high-speed, smooth, low noise, and can go up and down. Belt conveyor according to the use can be divided into: heavy belt conveyer and light belt conveyer. According to the structure form can be divided into: groove belt conveyer and flat belt conveyer. The belt conveyer is a kind of friction drive to transport the material in continuous way. Mainly by the frame, conveyor belt, roller, roller, tensioning device, transmission device, etc.. It can be the material in the transmission line, feed point from the initial to final unloading material formed of a material conveying process. It can carry out the transportation of the material and can also carry on the conveyance of the goods.. In addition to the purely material handling, but also can be compatible with the requirements of the process in the various industrial enterprises in the production process, the formation of the rhythmic flow transport line. Belt conveyor is also known as the belt conveyor, conveyor belt according to friction drive principle and movement, suitable for conveying bulk density is less than 1.67/ tons / cubic meter, easy to dig the powdery, granular and small shape, low grinding Zhuo of materials and packing materials, such as coal, gravel, sand, cement, fertilizer, food etc.. The belt conveyer can be used in the range of ambient temperature -20 to +40, and the temperature of the material is less than 60.. The pilot and the assembly form can be determined according to the user's requirements, the transmission can be used as the drum, and can also drive the drive device with a drive rack. Can be used for horizontal or tilted transportation, very convenient to use, widely used in modern industrial enterprises, such as: mines underground tunnel, ground transportation system of the coal mine, open pit mining and mineral processing plant. According to the transport process requirements, can be a single conveyor, can also be a number of units or with other transport equipment to form a horizontal or inclined delivery system to meet the different layout of the operating line needs. The belt conveyor is composed of two end rollers and the closure conveyor belt.. The roller that drives the conveyor belt is called the driving roller (the driving roller); the other is that the roller is called the roller which is changing the direction of the belt movement is called the roller.. The driving roller is driven by the motor through the reducer, and the conveyer belt is driven by the friction between the roller and the conveyer belt.. The drive roller is generally packed in the unloading end, in order to increase the traction, and is conducive to drag. Material from the feed end of the feeding, falls on the rotation of the conveyor belt, conveyor belt friction drive is transported to the discharge end discharge.Belt conveyor belt conveyor, widely used in home appliances, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, tobacco, injection molding, post and telecommunications, printing, food and other industries, object assembly, test, debug, packaging and transportation. Conveying line body can control mode adopted according to the technological requirement: ordinary continuous operation, operational tempo, the speed of operation; line selected conditions: straight line, curve, slope, lines form transportation equipment, including: belt conveyor is also called belt conveyor or belt conveying machine and is composed of rhythmic assembly line indispensable economy Logistics transportation equipment. According to its conveying capacity, the belt conveyor can be divided into heavy belt conveyor, such as belt conveyer, light belt conveyor, such as electronic plastics, food light industry, chemical medicine and other industries.. The belt conveyer has the conveying ability, the conveying distance is far, the structure is simple and easy to maintain, and can conveniently implement the procedure control and the automatic operation. The use of continuous or intermittent movement of the conveyor to transport 100KG the following items or powder, and the like, its high-speed, smooth, low noise, and can go up and down. Belt conveyor according to the use can be divided into: heavy belt conveyer and light belt conveyer. According to the structure form can be divided into: groove belt conveyer and flat belt conveyer. The belt conveyer is a kind of friction drive to transport the material in continuous way. Mainly by the frame, conveyor belt, roller, roller, tensioning device, transmission device, etc.. It can be the material in the transmission line, feed point from the initial to final unloading material formed of a material conveying process. It can carry out the transportation of the material and can also carry on the conveyance of the goods.. In addition to the purely material handling, but also can be compatible with the requirements of the process in the various industrial enterprises in the production process, the formation of the rhythmic flow transport line. Belt conveyor is also known as the belt conveyor, conveyor belt according to friction drive principle and movement, suitable for conveying bulk density is less than 1.67/ tons / cubic meter, easy to dig the powdery, granular and small shape, low grinding Zhuo of materials and packing materials, such as coal, gravel, sand, cement, fertilizer, food etc.. The belt conveyer can be used in the range of ambient temperature -20 to +40, and the temperature of the material is less than 60.. The pilot and the assembly form can be determined according to the user's requirements, the transmission can be used as the drum, and can also drive the drive device with a drive rack. Can be used for horizontal or tilted transportation, very convenient to use, widely used in modern industrial enterprises, such as: mines underground tunnel, ground transportation system of the coal mine, open pit mining and mineral processing plant. According to the transport process requirements, can be a single conveyor, can also be a number of units or with other transport equipment to form a horizontal or inclined delivery system to meet the different layout of the operating line needs. The belt conveyor is composed of two end rollers and the closure conveyor belt.. The roller that drives the conveyor belt is called the driving roller (the driving roller); the other is that the roller is called the roller which is changing the direction of the belt movement is called the roller.. The driving roller is driven by the motor through the reducer, and the conveyer belt is driven by the friction between the roller and the conveyer belt..The drive roller is generally packed in the unloading end, in order to increase the traction, and is conducive to drag. Material from the feed end of the feeding, falls on the rotation of the conveyor belt, conveyor belt friction drive is transported to the discharge end discharge.Belt conveyor is mine the ideal, continuous conveying equipment, compared with other transportation equipment (such as a locomotive class), delivery with long distance, large capacity and continuous transportation and other advantages, and is reliable in operation, easy to realize automation and centralized control, especially in high yield and high efficiency mine, belt conveyor has become the key equipment of electromechanical integration technology and equipment of coal mining. Belt conveyor main features is the expansion and contraction of the body can be very convenient, with a warehouse with storage, tail with the coal mining working face advancing to lengthen or shorten, compact structure, not to set up base, laid directly on the floor roadway, rack, lightweight, the disassembly and assembly are very convenient. When the transmission capacity and distance is large, with the middle drive to meet the requirements. According to the requirements of the conveying process, it can be transported by single machine, and it can also be transported by the synthetic level or inclined transportation system.. Belt conveyor is widely used in the Department of metallurgy, coal, transportation, electricity, water, chemical, is because it has a conveying capacity, simple structure, convenient maintenance, low cost, versatility and advantages. Technical advantages: first, it runs reliable. In need a lot of continuous operation of the important production units, such as power plant coal transportation, steel mills and cement plants scattered material conveying, ship loading and unloading port using belt conveyor. Such as downtime in these occasions, its loss is huge. When necessary, the belt conveyor can work continuously to a class of ground.. Belt conveyor power consumption is low. Due to the material and the conveyor belt is almost no relative movement, not only the running resistance is small (about scraper conveyor fifth), and cargo attrition and fragmentation are small, high productivity. These are advantageous to reduce the production cost. Belt conveyer conveyer line is adaptable and flexible. The length of the line is fixed as needed, and the length of the wire is over 10km.. Can be installed in a small tunnel, can also be erected in the ground transportation chaos and dangerous areas over the sky. According to the requirements of the process, the belt conveyor can be very flexible from one point or more material.. When simultaneously at several points to the conveyor belt material (such as coal bunker conveyor) or along any point on the length direction of the conveyor belt by uniform feeding device to transport bring materials, belt conveyor becomes a major transportation route. The belt conveyor can be materials in coal storage yard heap below the roadway reclaimer, when needed, but also the pile of different materials are mixed. The materials can be simply from the head of the conveyor unloading, but also through the plough type discharge hoppers or mobile tripper car, on the conveyor belt length direction at any point discharge. Design key points: 1. Working environment, condition and condition need to consider the time of daily operation, working frequency, service life of belt conveyor, feeding and unloading method.. Working environment, status: environmental temperature, open-air or indoor, environmental protection, mobile or stationary, telescopic requirements. 2, the transmission line and the conveyor belt need to consider the problem of the transmission line size, including: angle, the maximum length, lift height; linear segment, curve segment size;Connecting dimensions. Conveyor belt: the maximum sag requirements, simulation of friction coefficient, friction coefficient, safety factor. 3, on the properties of the material and conveying capacity need to consider material specific properties, including: the humidity of bulk density, angle of repose, material particle size, the largest block of material, material wear, adhesive and friction coefficient. The basic statistical data of the feed flow can be considered when the conveying quantity is uniform and the material flow can be transported directly.. The general belt conveyor is composed of conveyer belt, roller, roller, drive device, brake, tension device, loading, unloading, cleaning device and so on.. Conveyor belt: commonly used with two kinds of rubber belt and plastic. The rubber band is suitable for working environment temperature -15 ~ 40. The material temperature is no more than 50, and the manufacturer can choose the high temperature conveyor belt when ordering over 50 C. To dip on conveying bulk pellets of 12 degrees to 24 degrees. For the inclined conveyor belt skirt available. Plastic zone has the advantages of oil, acid, alkali, etc., but the adaptability of the climate, easy to skid and aging. Bandwidth is the main technical parameter of belt conveyer. Supporting roller: trough roller, flat roller, profile roller, buffer roller. Groove roller (by three roller) supporting bearing branch, used for conveying powder particle material; self-aligning roller is used to adjust the belt lateral position, to avoid deviation; buffer roller arranged in the office, to reduce the materials on the impact of. Roller: drive roller and roller. The driving drum is the main component of the transmission power.. The single cylinder (tape pair of the drum with the angle of 210 degrees to 230 degrees), the double drum (the angle of the package reached 350 degrees) and the roller (for high-power), etc.. Tension device: the function is to make the conveyor belt reach the necessary tension, lest the roller skid on the drive roller, and the belt roller in the deflection between the roller is guaranteed within the prescribed range. Contains a spiral tensioning device, hammer tensioning device, tension device. Safety operation: the survey belt conveyor has become one of the important equipment in the whole production process.. Advanced structure, strong adaptability, small resistance, long life, easy maintenance, complete protection of the belt conveyor is a notable feature. In operation of the belt conveyor, is the first to confirm belt type conveyor equipment, personnel, the article is carried are in safe and sound; then check each movement part normal no foreign body, check all electrical wiring is normal, normal can be belt conveyor is put into operation. Finally, the difference between the rated voltage of the supply voltage and the rated voltage of the power supply voltage is not more than 5%. Operation: 1 total power switch, check whether the power supply is normal and the power indicator is light.. After normal operation of th